Noob need help 3 week into flowering with pics


Well-Known Member
hi all this is my first grow im 20 days in to flower and wanting to know if im on the right track if they are where they should be also i have no idea how long to flower for. any help would be great



Active Member
They're lookin' good, it's more the colour of the pics that are the problem. From those pics I can't really judge the colour of the leaves which show the majority of the problems that can occur.


Active Member
Loking good! Like toke at least five weeks. Always plan for at least 8 weeks of flowering that seem to be an average.


Well-Known Member
please guys i need YOUR help are my babys where they should be they look too small for the age that they are they have just reached 4 weeks leave you comments and give me piece of mind


Well-Known Member
They're looking great no need to worry bud! However I would also like to see another picture with some natural light to see the color of the leaves and pistills. Deciding how long to spend in flowering all depends on the trichromes. Some people say the plants are ready for harvest when the hairs turn predominately orange but this is BS dont listen. Your plant will be fully matured and ready for harvest once 90% of your trichromes turn from clear to cloudy (if you want a cerebral high) or you can let a percentage of the trichromes turn amber (if you want more of a body high). Deciding the percentage of cloudy trichromes to amber trichromes depends on the person but I personally harvest at 80/20 couldy/amber as I LOVE cerebral highs! You're girls are looking well on their way to becoming a great smoke ill be watching this thread to see how they turn out! Best of luck


Well-Known Member
It must be your camera making those pics look so abnormally red. It makes it real hard to judge anything.
Flower 8 weeks at the earliest. 5 weeks is way way too short. Go buy a pocket microscope and look at the trichomes. When half of them are cloudy and half are amber in color, go ahead and chop. Be sure to give yourself a 2 week window to flush your plants with nutrient free water or else the smoke will be harsh and miserable