Noob.... lost during sexing


Active Member
ok, i know all are gonna ask for pics or tell me to read on.....but, i've been stressin for roughly past week on which of my plants are male or female.

i have a definate female, but my 4 largest plants have the stem with a ball on it in many places. i know balls equal males, but i am not sure what i am seeing. i pulled these 4 plants out and set them aside for thye past few days, but i cant seem to bring myself to kill em,, i see a white hair coming out of one of the mentioned balls.....are these swolen calyxes or just male preflowers?

any help would be much apreciated.:-?


Active Member
i know, im sorry....all i have is a camera phone, and we all know how great they are,lol

ill accept guesses, till i get my camera...any input is a huge help

i think ive read every sexing link possible, and im still lost on these swingers


Active Member
ok, here is a pic. sorry about pic quality.
this is the hairy ball that hairy ball.jpghas me lost and afraid to kill this plant,lol

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
ill crappy pic but if there is a pair of white hairs (pistils) coming out of the "ball" then its female. if you are growing the same strain the males are ususally easy to find just by how they grow. usually taller with alot less internodal growth, and usually show before the females. i always like to wait untill i see either a couple hairs or a few balls to seperate them and cut up the males. if your growing bagseed expect hermies tho.


Active Member
this is bagseed, so could be a hermie.....there are alot of similar balls but no more hairs yet...should i keep waiting for more hairs or kill?
i have removed these 4 plants in question, but still have them alive by a window.
will these balls turn into bananas or more white hairs?


Active Member
I don't know about Bannanas <--lol Maybe Watermelons. Are you in Flowering? how far into flowering are you? and if you start to notice dust, or pollen which happens remotely early with male plants. DOn't confuse this for being THC like i did years back. i actually kept a male not realizing it was a male, it was my only plant. and i thought the dust was THC, but later found out that, that sucka was a Dude plant.
Fem's have White hairs and lots of Bush, Males have Gap spacing, looks like a tall tree rather then a bush.


Active Member
lmao.... i meant the banana shaped pollen sacks,lol
can a plant be full of swolen calyxes that may look like a ballsack?

i cut the lights 17 days ago to 12/12 from 24/0
fox farm open sesame-tiger bloom-big bloom as per FF feeding schedule.
my 2 femals didnt show till about 4 days ago when i pulled these possible trannies/confused males out.


Active Member
it a hermy probably i had the same thing a couple of weeks ago trust me if it was female you would be able to tell. i didn't kill mine i just put it outside and am leaving it there simply cause i couldn't kill it. haven't figured out what to do with it yet

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
input, buy a camera. what are you hoping more guesses will give you, a stronger mind set? won't change the actual sex of the plant.


Active Member
i added a pic yesterday, and apologized for the it not there? dont you have any input?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
apologise all you want, it doesn't help that there is nothing clear enough to identify in the picture :). we are all just guessing based on your descriptions, there's nothing conclusivewe can tell you. find a mate, borrow a camera with macro, and snap a clear pic, else i'm afraid we are all jsut shooting guesses in the dark. it sounds like it's a hermie but at the end of the day could be male, female, can't really tell.


Active Member
thanks for the input this time tip topbongsmilie....i just got a camera and will upload more pics.

i guess i wasnt clear with question, but i was asking more if these hairy balls can be a sign of a late female bout 2 explode. I was looking for input on what others have seen in their personal grows from experience.:eyesmoke:


Active Member
My camera is pretty nice, but its hard to get a clear photo on all this coffee,lol

i guess i will kill the 4 since others are going well.


Active Member
i tried to take reshoots of pics and the closeups were coming out blurry. I killed the plants in question.

im gonna eat them instead...taste great,lol