Noob looking for advice on CFL closet grow


Well-Known Member
Oh well that sucks, just put tin foil lining around the outside of my closet lol i decided to buy another 3 pack of 100watt bulbs and using clamp fixtures hanging from the rack in the closet hang them a few inches from the top of each plant. I measured today and the space im working with is 2ft wide 10.5ft long and 6ft tall. Thoughts? I am not worried about hot spots because cfls dont really emmitt heat anyway, i might just leave the foil on one half and off the other to see whats really better. Instead of buying a box fan i am going to use a small 6-8inch clip on fan for now until the plants are big enough that they will need a box fan(s). Thanks everyone for your advice


Well-Known Member
Are the bulbs you're using 100w actual, or equivalent? A 3-pack of 100w actual would be a pretty large pack, because 100w cfl bulbs are pretty big. If they're equivalent wattage, then the actual watts of each bulb is probably closer to 30, in which case you'll need more. Post pics or links to the bulbs (and your setup).

Tin foil CAN cause hot spots with CFLs, and 100w actual CFL bulbs will produce enough heat to cause hot spots. The advice not to use tin foil is solid.



Well-Known Member
If you are dead set on using tin foil (which I agree is not the best way).

Crumple it up first and then tape it where it needs to be. But check out Amazon for a small roll of mylar. maybe 20 bucks and you can cover your entire closet.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately, the lights are only 26watts each under closer inspection.... money is becoming an issue and might try to start with only 1-3 plants. anyway the closet is ready for use and i started to germ my first pineapple express seed today, pics are coming


Well-Known Member
Since the bulbs you have are only 26 watts each, you simply don't have enough light to cover 3 flowering plants. Trust me, you'll be disappointed with the tiny, airy buds each plant produces under limited lighting.

Just grow one plant, take care of it, train it (LST or ScrOG) and it'll produce a couple zips for you. More plants does not necessarily equal more bud. In some cases, it's quite the opposite. For your next run, invest in more bulbs and add another plant. Free advice.



Well-Known Member
I plan on buying more bubs/fixtures, just not for a while. I will have 6 26watters and that (hopefully) should be decent for at most 2 plants. thank you for your help, going to germ two anyway becuase seeds are not fem.

diet coke

Active Member
save your money then buy the 55w 2700k at walmart for like 12.00 you can add as plants get larger.
Once you grow a couple of ounces of good bud, cash out and use the money to get larger bulbs .