Noob help PH PROB


Active Member
hi there i have just got a wilma 4 pot system got my ph in tank to 5.7ph
then added my Nutrient an got around 1.2 EC cos its for seedlings
but after adding Nutrient the PH has gone down should i add PH up or do ya leave it. the PH is now at 4.3 ????


Well-Known Member
Im A Dirtbagger So What I Know Of Ph Is Always At Might Try The Faq Section....for Some Better Answers....this Answer Will Also Run This To The Top Of The List And We Might Get A More Better Response....dbb.:)
One Note To Research Will Make U Learn....stuff U Never Thought Poss. Like Pink Bud.....well In Trun Brown When Drying But Pink When Growing...way Cool...


Active Member
give the nutes a little time to settle in and then take some more readings. Are you certain you're all calibrated properly? What's the water temp? was it the same for both readings?


Active Member
gave it over nite to settle in tank tuck PH reading and i get 4.3PH
some nutes affect the pH in a big way. If you are sure you are accurately calibrated, then add a little pH UP. Do it a little bit at a time and rest between readings.

The thing that kills pH adjustment is impatience. Let the additive work. Don't expect to put in a few drops and instantly change things. Add a little, stir a lot. Take a reading. Wait 5. Stir some more. Take a reading. Stir some more. Wait 5. Stir again, take another reading.

When you're sure the pH is stable, ONLY then add a little more pH UP or DOWN and then repeat the above proceedure. Remember to take little bitty steps to adjust.