Noob Grow! your advice is much needed


Active Member
I just Planted my first seeds a few days ago.

i left them germinating a little too long when i check back some of my plants had the first set of leaves but they were a little on the pale side.

Due too money problems, the first soil they were planted in was normal top soil that i stole from a landscaping company.

When the seeds were planted the next day they were standing tall and perky :mrgreen:

I've heard there were different stages in Grade(marijuana) growing what stage would i be in now and what would come after

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
After the seeds have sprouted you will enter the veg stage where your plant grows creating more branches and nodes giving you more bud sites. You can top your plant to double your branches.... The final stage is when you turn your lights to 12/12. That is the flower stage where your buds start to form and grow.


Well-Known Member
ok its like the the 1st month of ur plants life is called the seedling stage where u should feed no nutes or anything of the sort after the first month it hits veggin and hits vegging hard and will grow faster than the first month HENCE the veg state than u can start feeding ur plant nutes with good N in it and u can start the flowering stage anytime u want by force flowering them and theres lots of ways to start it off u can either go 24hrs of dark befor u put them 12/12 or u can ween them into the 12/12 with 18/6 18 light 6 hrs drk for bout a week than put them in 12/12 AND WALAAA ur buds are done


Active Member
thanks for the info.
The plants are actually an outdoor grow, 12/12 light.
Found it a good spot in my friends front yard lots of light.

The Plants are in a 12oz plastic cups for now, what height should i put the plants into bigger pots?


Active Member
Its now week 2 of the plants life.
my friend calls me and tells me someone or thing chopped the leaves off the plant

i was wondering if they would stay alive after that, i really doubt it but maybe someone here has experienced this and would know for sure.

i put some seeds to Germ this weekend so hopefully i'll have more sprouts to replace the one loss.
its 11 seeds in total. wish me luck


Well-Known Member
at what point should he move them to the five gallon bucket?

i have a dwc and need to know as well plz?

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Well-Known Member
i think that is going to start in a few weeks after flowering. some show signs just before flowering and others start buds a week or so after.


Active Member
oooh k and the veg stage last how long on average?
lol thought that mattare was some kind special term dealing with herb lol
thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
different strains are different. but generally i think it usually a few weeks less than flowering.

but technically i have seen people veg from 0 weeks to 8 weeks. it is more common around here for people to veg around 4-6 weeks. from what i've noticed. but remember it all depends on your strain too!
