Noob Grow - Moby Dick and PPP

Moby Dicck

First of all.. Hello to ya all :blsmoke:

This is my first grow ever, and I dont have all the stuff to go all out yet, but getting there slooowly.

My setup is.

1 wardrobe (dont know the size)
1 400W HPS with a AGRO bulp.
Biogreen starter kid (thats all the stuff from this page

5 Moby dick fem seeds from Dinafem
5 PPP fem seeds fromNirvana.

And some cheap ass soil from the ´local shop.

I started out about allmost 5 weeks ago, with the paper towel method. and planted them a few days later.

It only took about 2 days for them to pop the ground.



Active Member
image isnt workin bro....but anxious to see the PPP im also thinkin about ordering from nirvana they look to have the best prices, see the quality first hand...g'luck!

Moby Dicck

Here they are after about 2 weeks. I was really Amaised on how fast they where growing at this point. (the one in the lower right corner is a PPP. Rest is Moby dick's. The one in the back was a hermie MD i got from a friend of mine while i was in spain.


Moby Dicck

Right.. After about 3½ weeks i think I repottet 4 of the MD. and went away for a week, from some work stuff. One of my friends was chenking them everyday, wand watered them if they needed.

This is how it looked like.


Moby Dicck

Right.. When I got home I was sad to see that 3 of the small babyes was dead. All dried up cuz of a major heat problem in the closet. But the 3 MD's i repottet before I left was looking really good.


Moby Dicck

So today i decided to repot 2 of the once that was left into there final pot.

And thats where I am now.

Fertz whice i just went after the scheme includet in the starter kid. I pretty much burned them from the start. But most of them are getting over it pretty well.

Anyway.. Im gonna try to keep this abit more updated from now. And got some more pics that the posted once here

Go ahead and comment if you like :D Tips and tricks and more then welcome


Active Member
im subscribed, ill be checkin lookin good so far tho, sorry to hear bout the heat prob. :( keep me in tune on the PPP, g'luck!

Moby Dicck

the last MD and PPP I repottet isstarting to grow again. And looks really good. (MY camara broke so sent it back to the shop. Gonna updatate with pics within the next week or two)