noob germination question.


Hi, I'm new to growing. I bought some nirvana aurora indca strains. I put 2 seeds in water until they cracked and transplanted them in FFOF in starter pots. the seeds sprouted but they never split leaves. They sprouted with the cracked hull on them and never did anything. I carefully pulled the shell off. I feel I over watered and the soil was too wet causing a deformation. Any imput would be great thanks..



I popped 3 other seeds in water. I'll try them in some seed starter mix and see if that makes any difference. I'll also try peeling off the membrane to see if that works with out killing them....It would be different if it was only 1 seed but it did it on both seeds I planted. We shall see....


Well-Known Member
I just had this same thing happen to two of mine. One I peeled off and it was find the other was stuck and I couldn't get it off for a few days without damaging it. In that few days it rotted inside and nevertheless had any cotyledons. Still grew ok though. Stunted the growth by about a week but still growing. image.jpeg

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I popped 3 other seeds in water. I'll try them in some seed starter mix and see if that makes any difference. I'll also try peeling off the membrane to see if that works with out killing them....It would be different if it was only 1 seed but it did it on both seeds I planted. We shall see....
I've always just let them fall off. I do this because unless your really good at micro surgery you'll probably damage them, I do :(. And yes that still looks alive :).

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Sometimes you gotta get out the zircon encrusted tweezers & carefully pull the seed jacket off. No big deal though your seedling should remain viable even if you just leave it on it should fall off in time. This has happened to me many times even with garden veggies..always seems to happen when I grow watermelon. Anyway to avoid overwatering use a hand mister instead of pouring water in your starter cup....almost impossible to overwater that way. For the first couple weeks during germination I keep a ziplock bag over the top of my solo cup to help the seedling propagate like a mini greenhouse. It will retain moisture so you won't need to water as much. Also FFOF is kind of hot for seedlings not that they won't grow its just maybe too much for youngins. Get some cheapo starter mix from Walmart or HD for your next germination; it usually is peat based & will help root them well.


Active Member
Hi, I'm new to growing. I bought some nirvana aurora indca strains. I put 2 seeds in water until they cracked and transplanted them in FFOF in starter pots. the seeds sprouted but they never split leaves. They sprouted with the cracked hull on them and never did anything. I carefully pulled the shell off. I feel I over watered and the soil was too wet causing a deformation. Any imput would be great thanks..
Always leave the shell or risk damaging your baby. She will naturally push it off when she's ready


Well-Known Member
I've germinated tons of seedlings and have never had an issue with the shell before.

Stop removing the shells of your babies when they are big enough it will fall off.

In the Ocean Forest your seedling might seem stunted or so but it's only because the soil is very rich and the little seedling can't handle it just yet. Mine have done fine and taken off after a week or so in the Ocean Forest so just give your babies time and let them grow!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Sometimes you gotta get out the zircon encrusted tweezers & carefully pull the seed jacket off. No big deal though your seedling should remain viable even if you just leave it on it should fall off in time. This has happened to me many times even with garden veggies..always seems to happen when I grow watermelon. Anyway to avoid overwatering use a hand mister instead of pouring water in your starter cup....almost impossible to overwater that way. For the first couple weeks during germination I keep a ziplock bag over the top of my solo cup to help the seedling propagate like a mini greenhouse. It will retain moisture so you won't need to water as much. Also FFOF is kind of hot for seedlings not that they won't grow its just maybe too much for youngins. Get some cheapo starter mix from Walmart or HD for your next germination; it usually is peat based & will help root them well.
Yep! Them Zircon encrusted tweezers! Not just for harvesting dental floss anymore! Even lonely dental floss.....just don't get them near any legendary Mud Sharks!:o

(Kinda wish I could have met the girl from the legend :shock: - those Moby Grape horn dogs anyway ;);))


Well-Known Member
No feed yet wait for first set of true leaves to appear,I start feeding when second set of leaves appear,but only aloe Vera.


No feed yet wait for first set of true leaves to appear,I start feeding when second set of leaves appear,but only aloe Vera.
Ya, thats why I wanted to use FFOF. I figured I shouldn't have to feed for 3-4 weeks. just water only. When I do feed I have the blue planet farmers pride trio nutes. I've heard that's good stuff.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Ya, thats why I wanted to use FFOF. I figured I shouldn't have to feed for 3-4 weeks. just water only. When I do feed I have the blue planet farmers pride trio nutes. I've heard that's good stuff.
I find it better to start with a mix that contains nothing as they need nothing from seed for the first 3-4 weeks. Then I would simply transplant to a larger pot say a 1-3 gal of your FFOF mix which will feed them for awhile. In about 5 more weeks they could be ready to go to a larger container maybe a 5 or 7 gal. Still using no nutes as the soil & clean water is all they will need up to this point. Once they are growing in the pot you plan to flower them in you could start giving nutes in small doses that is if they are even needed at all during veg. Bloom phase they will begin to need more than the soil might be able to provide so that's when they will really need the nutrients. Even then I would only give it at medium to low strength and straight water in between.