Noob at Growing, HELLPPPPP!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone im new to this site, so i got these seeds and want to plant. Can i use any soil for its first week? Its regular mj btw. Thanks guys for your help :joint:
ok i have a 250w hps growing kit pretty koo i just bougt..need help i thinkin about growing around 3 plants word is thats perfect????

can i grow clones???

frm the weed clinic store???

word is fox idk sumthing is good 4 soil???????

in how many inches do i keep my light away frm my plants???

is 18/6 ok for veg??? than flowering is 12/12?????? right???????????

how times do i water my plant??????????

any 1 tht can HELP PLZ HELP THANK U.​
250k is good because it will have low heat. I have heark 100k per plant is good. If you get clones its easier to deal with because they are females from the getgo and you don't have to worry about germination. I use fox farm ocean;s forest soil and think it is good. 6 inches away with cool tube 12 inches away without a cool tube. Keep an oscillating fan on it to keep it cool.. make sure it stays 75 degrees. I always veg for 24/7. As far as watering, you have to get a feel for it. You can feel how heavy it is with water, and without. You can also stick your thumb in 2 inches to see if the soil is moist.

ok i have a 250w hps growing kit pretty koo i just bougt..need help i thinkin about growing around 3 plants word is thats perfect????

can i grow clones???

frm the weed clinic store???

word is fox idk sumthing is good 4 soil???????

in how many inches do i keep my light away frm my plants???

is 18/6 ok for veg??? than flowering is 12/12?????? right???????????

how times do i water my plant??????????

any 1 tht can HELP PLZ HELP THANK U.​