NooB Advice

how can i adjust humidity??? add bowl of water?? how to add temp?? slow fan down?? my veg light is 18"t5 made by eclipse,picked it up from fish tank store.. you stated that we cant adjust one without the other... kinda lost..

Once you have the light set right where plant is relaxed you can tweak temp & humidity (using the heat index as a guide) increase the temp by a degree and watch, add another as long as the plant stays relaxed your good, record these numbers for future reference. same with humidity 1 point at a time till you see ANY sign of stress. Your goal should be to achieve fast transpiration while plant remains relaxed (leaves just hangin out, basking in the light, happy) The more you can make it rain and feed the bigger your plant will grow, the bigger your buds will be, this is what you are after and is what a perfect garden will do!........

and then i stumbled onto this... so now i am going to back up and punt and try to read read read ..

and to all you lurkers out there, I bury things deep in my threads so to get it all you have to read it all, yeah it takes awhile but a bit of time is not a high price to pay for great weed

buy a humidifier, put a bowl of water in front of a fan, hang a wet towel
adjust your thermostat, or add a heater
hey riddle, 4 outta five has poked the ground... yippiee.. havent straightened up yet still curled over,but i think they will stand up by back to reading reading reading...
riddleme, let me see if i got this right....making it rain is pointless if high humidity is present,because she cant sweat,cause the air is full of humidty is an enemy,after seedlings begin to produce more branches??? does high humidty play a part in root rot cause the water will never leave the container??? one more for the night, when should i give the kids a new home to stay in.... i thought i read 4-5 weeks... thnx for your help
riddleme, let me see if i got this right....making it rain is pointless if high humidity is present,because she cant sweat,cause the air is full of humidty is an enemy,after seedlings begin to produce more branches??? does high humidty play a part in root rot cause the water will never leave the container??? one more for the night, when should i give the kids a new home to stay in.... i thought i read 4-5 weeks... thnx for your help

making it rain is never pointless, unless you do it to often (before they are ready) or at the wrong time

There are times when high humidity is your friend, seedlings and clones love humidity above 70% for veg they like 40 to 60 % and for flowering they like 30 to 50% but it is also very important to remember the relationship between temp and humidity they MUST work together.

Root Rot is more a symptom of overwatering, soil/medium with pour/no drainage or bad bacteria in the soil/medium the plants will transpire even if they are drowning.

New home is not about time but rather about growth, what you see is very similar to what you don't if the plant is 6 inches tall the roots are at least 6 inches long, if the pot they are in is 6 inches tall and the plants are 6 inches tall it could be time to upcan them, but this can go a bit longer if the pot is wide because the roots have more room to spread out
Hey riddle, I saw a thread in plant prob section that someone included a book by a fellow named Ed " mj growing book". Is this info correct enough to go by??? I thought it to be useful in some parts of my new garden experience.. But it was typed by someone else, and not sure how much info was added by the person typing or left out.. Have you heard of this book???
Ed Rosenthal, is very famous and him and Mel Franks have colaborated on a few books, both full of good info
Ed just recently revised his book and updated it the link is in my balls to the wall journal
and I am currently talking to him about writing a book of my own :)
Wow, gittin famous huh riddle??? Well after reading some of the "book" my setup is very improper.. Guess that's why my stems are no bigger around then toothpcks... So since I got thousands of dark seeds with black stripes I'm gonna start over.. Between you and the book, I'm begining to understand how the plant lives.. I am only gonna get what I put in to it.. So round two ding.. But I'm gonna see if I can rescue the first round also.
hey riddle. been "researching" on your and ub's threads for a little while now. Seems ive been using your watering and keep it green method for two grows now. First one ended up outgrowing my spot and had to relocate outside. Damn smartpots... keep up the killer grows and helping out the rest of us that need it from time to time.
Riddleme, I have spent enough time following the crowd so to speak. So before I bash your method i need to read up on it right? LOL. No what you have put together makes sence, it sounds right. I wish I had the learned about the CHM before I got my 600 dig ballast. Oh well, will make it work with what I have. I have a roughly 4x4x9 flowerroom and a 3x3x3 veg/cloneroom(cfl in this room). It is all in my walk in closet. I have the fans for the room and the light. trying to do per grow. i have been doing ok. I support myself and my parents.
Hi all first time posting and sorry if this question is already on the forums. I spent close to an hour trying to find it to no avail. If you have 2 autoflowers growing right next to each other with no males present how is it possible for one of those to develop seeds? Thanks in advance.
Hi all first time posting and sorry if this question is already on the forums. I spent close to an hour trying to find it to no avail. If you have 2 autoflowers growing right next to each other with no males present how is it possible for one of those to develop seeds? Thanks in advance.

the plant can "hermie" it can either happen naturally, or be caused by stress, some strains are more prone to it
there is a good explanation in my nuggets :)
If you keep your males in one room, and females in another , will then not pollinate? What does it take to stop the pollination between walls? I want to keep males and experiment with them.
If you keep your males in one room, and females in another , will then not pollinate? What does it take to stop the pollination between walls? I want to keep males and experiment with them.

to prevent pollen from spreading you need a sealed enviroment

my best advice to you is read the whole thread, I promise you'll be glad you did, once you finish move to calling all new growers it is an advanced continuation :)
I'm in! Been linking to Uncle Ben's threads of wisdom since I found him soon after joining. Any time I find a poster that asks about topping, I send them to read from Uncle Ben. I'm near the end of my first grow, and I learned tons from reading his stuff. I'm open to learning as much as I can here, so my second grow goes even better. There is plenty of conflicting advice to be found on RIU, but I already know that if it comes from Uncle Ben, you can take it to the bank!
Great stuff man
Also im very interested in CMH's but i'm having trouble with the ballast and planing the setup. can you gimmie some info on them and what ballast you use? also what do you think would be the best ballast for a 400W master color hps retro white? where can i get the bulb and ballast and what not? ive been doing reseach better im just not finding definitive answers. if you can answer anything its appreacaited thanks a million.
Great stuff man
Also im very interested in CMH's but i'm having trouble with the ballast and planing the setup. can you gimmie some info on them and what ballast you use? also what do you think would be the best ballast for a 400W master color hps retro white? where can i get the bulb and ballast and what not? ive been doing reseach better im just not finding definitive answers. if you can answer anything its appreacaited thanks a million.

here is a link to a post showing the CMH bulb & ballast that I use

never say folks gotta get it there but the site includes the Phillips model # of the bulb you want (where ever ya get it) make sure it is this one, some block out the UVB :)
Hello riddleme, this is my first post, so I'll keep it short. I've been lurking and doing a lot of reading of UB's threads and I just subscribed to this one. I can see that there is a wealth of information on this site and I have learned a bunch already. I have been reading for hours every day. I have much respect for you and UB and kriegs , Doc, Widow Maker and many other gardeners on here. I am a little nervous about posting here. Nobody except my wife knows I grow "tomatoes", and thats the way I like it. I live deep in the heart of -----. How secure is this? SnS
Hello all. Great thread Riddleme. Thanx much for taking the time. new here, but a bit of an old forum user myself, so i can appreciate the time and effort you put into each of your threads. so on that note, Thank you from a new grower.

So, I've been trying to use this method to suit my needs. I work out of town, so have to kind of be sure they have enough water while im away. Using FF Happy Frog soil, and water every 2/3 days with h2o, for the first 2 weeks. then last week on sunday, they got a drive of drink with a out of my well. Dont bother with PH too much, but i did check it and it runs around 7.7 so a bit high. but seems fine in run off when I did check once. a
This gallon got about a 1/3rd ratio/gallon of Dyna Gro Foilage Pro, with just a smidge of Pro Tekt (1/8th of a tsp maybe less). Its been in the upper 80s in the room, a bit warm, so after some reading, i added a smidge of it.

So, I give them a pretty liberal drink of water before I leave on monday. Have a buddy stop by wed if im not home to water, and then I'm home thru/fri and go about the general weekend and nute again. This is the 2nd week and they needed a drink yesterday, so they got nuted with 1/2 tsp DG FP, and 1/4 tsp of DG Bloom this time. each pot took about 1/2 a gallon each, and emptied the gallon jug. each had about 1/4 inch of run off in the bottom trays once it sifted thru. Figured this is about right if I'm not mistaken. Correct?

so they'll get their drink in the morningbefore i head out the door, and how much water they get will depend on how wet the tray is. they were just put into these 3 gallon buckets from a 5 inch pot a week ago today. the new buckets have the raised cone in the middle to allow for airflow under the root base. Seems like a good idea and they were inexpensive enough.

im running 2 Durbans, under a Philips CMH 400w at 18/6. This is the end of the 4th week, going on the 5th in veg. I figure it took a week or better to get some good root base going. The short girl was cut sunday 3/7, at 8pm. and the slightly taller one was cut 3 to 4 days prior, so probably had some rooting happening when she went under the CMH.

Mom has been under a T5 for about 6 months now. shes in ProMix soiless and gets 800ppm nutes i think. I'm going for simplicity so dirt/DynaGro/CMH, and a making it rain type setup.

heres apic from 5pm today.

this is the cutting as of 3/7 around 9pm just under the CMH. Pics were taken around 10:30pm.

heres the fresh cut.

this is the older girl by 3 to 4 days.


Just wondering how they are looking and any advice you can offer would be great.
Thanx again Riddle me. You've taught this old dog some new tricks.
Hey Riddleme - many, many thanks, you've given me the answers to so many of my noob questions.
But can I ask...
I've got 4 little sprouted seedlings in little cups of soil and was wondering how much water they should be getting.
I didn't add any water to the soil before I put the seeds in (about 3/4 days ago) so their soil has never been too wet.
They're at the stage where there's 2 green leaves and 2 proper shaped leaves on each and I've just been misting them 2 or 3 times a day.
When do they start getting watered properly (with run-off etc)
Many thanks!