(Noob, 1st Timer) Help!! (pic)


Ok so, I just successfully finished germinating my seeds, and i put them in a small pot of good soil, and I'm just wondering, until they sprout leaves, DO THEY NEED SUNLIGHT?
My parents snoop around my house ALOT
and I absolutely can't grow them anywhere indoors, So I was wondering if it was ok to grow them in a dark closet indoors until they start growing leaves, is it ok, or do they need sunlight?



Well-Known Member
They need light...even if it's just minimal. You could probably get away with no light until she first pokes her head through but I'd say give em some light for the first week and keep well hidden.


Active Member
Two things, firstly are those the tap roots sticking out the ground, please tell me they are the beginning of the plant breaking the soil !?

Secondly, once the seds are germinated and placed in soil, you could leave them in darkness and they would still break the soil as they have methods of using gravity to know which way to grow, but once out, they will need light...You can't grow in darkness obviously.


Active Member
Two things, firstly are those the tap roots sticking out the ground, please tell me they are the beginning of the plant breaking the soil !?

Secondly, once the seds are germinated and placed in soil, you could leave them in darkness and they would still break the soil as they have methods of using gravity to know which way to grow, but once out, they will need light...You can't grow in darkness obviously.
Yea those are definitely tap roots sticking out. throw some more soil on top of them and give them another three days and everyone should have their heads coming out. Until then they don't need light.


It looks like ya planted them upside down! :o
Wow, I'm so srry, see thats why I stated
1st Timer, and posted in the noob forums!
Ok, so im so stupid, didnt know those were the roots, thought they were the first part of the plant growing, ok soo i'll go turn them upside down, (root going down into the soil)
and then give em sunlight once they get some leaves sprouting.


Active Member
Wow, I'm so srry, see thats why I stated
1st Timer, and posted in the noob forums!
Ok, so im so stupid, didnt know those were the roots, thought they were the first part of the plant growing, ok soo i'll go turn them upside down, (root going down into the soil)
and then give em sunlight once they get some leaves sprouting.
Right on :-P
You're growing them outside right?

Why not just put them outside then, instead of a dark closet?

And aside from you putting them in upside down, you can't grow 4 plants together like that get them in separate containers.
Or just put them in the ground if that is what you planned on doing.


Well-Known Member
dude checc out the faq ang i have my seedlings under 20 hour light and 4 darkness but tha faq will tell you all


i was looking for some answers on some clones i just planted. Got them about a week ago from the shop and put them in some pots and put them outside. I am in southern california and the light they get is about from 8 am til 630pm. The clones themselves are about 6 inches tall with the exception of on which is maybe 8-9 inches tall. did i screw up by putting them outside already??