NOOB 1st run Grapfruit kush . in home made pressurised 1000w 90 Cu Ft growbox


New Member

the first 2 pictures are only 1 week into flowering the second 2 are maybe 2 weeks or so .. the last 2 pictures are 4 weeks in

note the curling budding leaves ... still not sure why they are doing that yet .. could it be too much heat ?


Active Member
1000w HPS in a box?wow unless that has some sort of cool tube on it yeah heats gonna be a problem.What are your temps at?


New Member
temps on the closest spot of the curliest one was at 92*f mid box is 81*f but goes as low as 68*at the plants 5 pm time ... 92 was the highest surface temp recorded

humidity is at 37% and the cool tubes exauset temp was 96* with 385 cfm exaust air over the bulb ...
420 cfm supply air fed by the houses central air kept at 80*f during the summer months out here .. and thats kinda cold for me personally

static dyamic pressure of the box is 30.48 +/- 2.62 BAR ... and ambient bar is at 28.75-/+ 1.45 humidity is stable during daytime , until i cut the main exchange vents and run silent with in the box fans to keep the airflow at max , at which time the humidity rises to 65-70% during what would be the plants 2am ... its my 530 am ... and the girls wake up at my 7:45 am and run for 12 , and thats when i go lights out and run purge air to drop the box temps quick and hit 68* and hold for 6 hours with full EV and inbox fan . temp gain is rated at 5 degrees +/- per hour so it is a balancing act to do all of this in the cloak of dark with a blue pen light .

so far , crystals are out .. and the nitrogen is tamed a bit by the addition of lime to the water (PH = 6.3)waste water ) 6.0 was the dried fox farms baseline with filtered tap water (PH of tap is 5.7 to 6.5 depending on the season)

nutes are General hydroponics brand . i have been running the list according to the sheet they supplied for a soil grow , and added humic acid (0-1-1) 8ml / 1 gal on my water flush cycles
bionicare "sweet" on days i feed (2 waters , 1 feed ) waters last 2 days , feeds last 3 .

let me know if i missed anything


Well-Known Member
hey PiE, it could be a number of issues, firstly maybe move ur plant to a cooler part of the tent. second, stop the nutes for a week and finally if the first 2 don't solve the problem then it could be over watering, so let her dry out. but having said all that I imagine its heat stress as all ur other plants seem to be doing well. good luck and happy growing :-)


New Member
hey PiE, it could be a number of issues, firstly maybe move ur plant to a cooler part of the tent. second, stop the nutes for a week and finally if the first 2 don't solve the problem then it could be over watering, so let her dry out. but having said all that I imagine its heat stress as all ur other plants seem to be doing well. good luck and happy growing :-)
Man It's nice to see another AZ grower, welcome to RIU!!! :leaf:
thanks emannn .. i did exactly that and the leaf loss has stopped .. i turned it all down to 400w and stopped all nutes .. but on the overwater .. no , im on a very strict watering schedual that lets them get dry (25% in the soil) before i water again . but the nutes were way hot in the attempt to inspire increased resin production .. this strain of grapefruit apparently does not enjoy the UVB and jacked up nute regimen ... but the crystal goodness is probly gonna make this a decent run ...

ricky , :) thanks man . I never planned on this life, but im damn sure glad that other growers helped me get started and showed me HOW and where to look for intel on making my meds worth trying to grow.

thank you both ..



New Member
the first few little red hairs came in !!!!!! budleygrapefruit.jpgbudleygrapefruit2.jpg

the girls came back happy and sparkly as heck! .. yeah , the curl , i know .. but the grapefruit kush auto has this flaw/mod due to its breeding . still no real smell until cured (yes i did cut a twig off the bottom and cure it) and wow ... 2 more weeks before i chop the main on this and get her on bubble flush for 12 hours and then dried in my dehydration cab . the smoke was heavy being so quickly cured ... but 2 week cure on this is going to be magic!