NOo signs please Help

I was looking around in my soil in 6 of my clonesd and saw some bugs in the soil( i have had these plants growing for about a month now and no problems)I saw a potato bug is what i think its called,and little tiny ass white things in my soil when i dug into it alittle. I have no signs of a infestation but saw those bugs and started to worry, I have come to far for my first grow to be fucked up by little pessty bugs. Please any info and help would be greatly appreciataed.:wall::wall::bigjoint::cuss:


Active Member
i had the same thing.bugs will lays eggs in soil,it didnt mess anything up on my grow so if its actually harmfull i can only speak from my experience
Watch your plants for signs of insect feeding. Otherwise it could be that they just like the enviroment your soil provides. Most of the time they dont do any harm and killing them off will cause more problems than it is worth. Just toss your soil and drop a bug bomb in the room after the grow to solve the problem from happening again. Best of luck.
Thanks bro sounds good, I have no pest feeding on my plants thank god, but I have yellow spots on my leaves, they are NOT spider mites, could it be the Nuets?