Non existant partner..what to do.


Well-Known Member
So 3-4 years ago I teamed up with someone to do an outdoor grow. We dug holes together, hauled soil, water, nutes etc...The work was split evenly the first couple of years and things went well.

This year Im doing 90% of the work and taking 100% of the risk. I used my own vehicle to bring soil to the spot this year so that we didnt have to carry it..All the partner has done is contribute some of the plants, and helped with one feeding. Hes been "too busy" this year to do anything else, yet still expects a 50-50 split.

Im really starting to get resentful of this. Especially since Ive had some close calls in terms of getting seen carrying jugs of water.

How exactly do I handle this?? Im thinking of proposing a 60-40 or 70-30 split, but I think even that is too generous.


Well-Known Member
Just eat it this year and handle it yourself next year. You're learning a tough, expensive lesson here about partnerships, remember it.


Well-Known Member
Growing partnerships rarely work out without problems. If your partner is fair, he will understand a 70/30 split would be in order. If not, your kinda stuck to do what you agreed on. Next year you know better.


Active Member
Just look at it this way as well. If you try to renegotiate your partnership agreement to what you think is more equitable, he might get pissed off enough to blow the whistle on your grow. Like the poster above said, stick to the agreement this year, but I would tell him that I am retiring from growing altogether and then without letting anyone know what I am doing go solo.

As Ben Franklin said, "Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead". I don't tell anyone (well except you fine folks here) what I am doing. Even doing that little bit (posting anonymously on the internet) has its own risks.


Well-Known Member
get the best split from the partner you can and end the partnership . Next year go it alone since you already have shown yourself that you can handle the work .


Well-Known Member
I would agree with the others advice. Dont push too hard to change the deal. If hes still too busy to do the work when harvest time comes do a self enforced "fair" split depending on what you think is appropriate. IF you do decide to split from him next year I will say one thing. FIND A NEW AREA TO GROW. Ive worked with several people in the past who thought it only fair to steal your hard work at the end of the year in a spot you had dug together years before.


Well-Known Member
Come on - just carry him along with smiles and promises until the girls are harvested - then DUMP the idle muther. Pocket your hard earned cash.


Well-Known Member
Some fights aren't worth it. And if you get hit from behind with a fuckin' crowbar, you ain't going to be standing up to shit, Jack. Of course, maybe you'll get shot, in which case we won't half to listen to your phony ass, tough guy bullshit any longer.


Well-Known Member
I would split it 60/40, you dont want to end the partnership on any bad terms, especially if your doing something illegal, and if someone offered me a 30/70 cut when i was expecting 50/50 i would be pissed off.


Well-Known Member
i would wait till right b4 harv. then go up there and tell him rippers got most of the plants. then split "what was left" and keep your mouth shut. if ur partener finds out at least u got what u deserve and explain u did all the work


Active Member
i would wait till right b4 harv. then go up there and tell him rippers got most of the plants. then split "what was left" and keep your mouth shut. if ur partener finds out at least u got what u deserve and explain u did all the work
this imo would be the best option.
i think the only way a partnership can go well is if its the kind of partnership where you both get 100/100...because you smoke ALL of YOURS bud TOGETHER.