nomination tallies and pic submissions


Well-Known Member
OK, just got done tallying up the male hotties thread. top hotties are:

dr. greenhorn: 7
ninjabowler: 7
unclebuck: 5
indagrow: 4
joemaclennan: 4
greatwhitenorth: 3
potpimp: 3
kennyken: 3
kodankmoment: 3
cannawizard: 3

so close to an insanely large tie for 10th as many, many members got 2 votes.

i think we'll probably have to open up a "wild card" to anyone that wants to participate. the poll only lets me list 10, so the wild cards will have to beat the polls to win.

also, feel free to submit a pic to use in the part 2 thread here to make my life easier.

i'm off to tally up the ladies now.

edit: kodank also got three, so i bumped carne off the list since he has been less active lately. sorry, carne.
and now for the ladies:

hereshegrows: 16
miss rabbit: 12
grannyweed: 11
unlucky: 6
lahadaextranjera: 5
dankdalia: 4
bygonera: 3
konagirl: 3
chartreuse spruce: 3
curious2garden: 3
herbalicious: 3

and again, we just narrowly avoid a massive tie for 10th!

i'll let this thread simmer and collect submission pics for a bit, then we'll get started on part 2 when everyone seems nice and rowdy.
OK, just got done tallying up the male hotties thread. top hotties are:

dr. greenhorn: 7
ninjabowler: 7
unclebuck: 5
indagrow: 4
joemaclennan: 4
greatwhitenorth: 3
potpimp: 3
kennyken: 3
kodankmoment: 3
cannawizard: 3

so close to an insanely large tie for 10th as many, many members got 2 votes.

i think we'll probably have to open up a "wild card" to anyone that wants to participate. the poll only lets me list 10, so the wild cards will have to beat the polls to win.

also, feel free to submit a pic to use in the part 2 thread here to make my life easier.

i'm off to tally up the ladies now.

edit: kodank also got three, so i bumped carne off the list since he has been less active lately. sorry, carne.

doc and ninja should just oil wrestle for top spot, thank me later ladies~ Lol
There must have been an error in calculations.

The following post from the Male Hotties thread got 12 likes which is clearly 12 votes for me.
I'm kind of hurt that no one nominated me.

Who wouldn't want this?!

I'll submit a new picture that showcases my wife also, in hopes that people forget who they're actually voting for.


Also don't fucking quote me, cuz that picture needs to self destruct in 5 minutes.
It's cool God, submit a pic of you and your wife and confuse everybody as to who they're voting for, just like I did.

You are a good looking dude though, so maybe you don't even need to confuse them.