Nominate Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary.


Well-Known Member
My good friend Danny Glover wrote me and he and I see eye to eye on this nomination.

We need good people not pledged to grid lock our Government.

I am certain Mr. Glover won't mind me posting his letter to me after I wrote him back.

Why not support the good people? We have had our share of crap-heads fighting food stamps for the poor.

Sun, January 6, 2013 4:51:14 PMThank you for signing the "Nominate Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary" petition

[TABLE="class: fontT2 fontMedGray"]
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[TD]Danny Glover <[email protected]>[/TD]
[TR="class: msgHeaderContainer"]
[TD]Ernst <[email protected]>

Thank you for signing my petition, Nominate Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary.

To really make a difference, we need a lot more people to join in. Can you share this petition with all your friends?

Click here to share it on Facebook:

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Then, forward the email below to everyone you know.


&#8212;Danny Glover

Here's a sample message to send to your friends:


Press reports say President Obama will soon nominate a new Treasury Secretary . Press speculation has centered on candidates likely to support the Wall Street agenda of cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits and other domestic spending rather than government policies to create jobs. We want President Obama to nominate Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, who opposes austerity and wants the government to focus on creating jobs.

That's why I signed a petition to President Barack Obama, which says:

"We urge you to nominate Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary. Krugman will protect Social Security and Medicare from benefit cuts, promote policies to create jobs, and help defeat the austerity dogma in Washington and around the world."

Will you sign the petition too? Click here to add your name:


You're receiving this message because you signed the Nominate Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary petition. Civic Action sponsors, but does not endorse the contents of this email or the petitions posted on the site. If you don't want to receive e-mail about this petition, click here to unsubscribe.
Yup, Krugman is going to make all the problems disappear just by becoming treasury secretary. Laugh My Ass Off.
The 2012 Nobel in economics won by theorizing the Krugmans of the world are clueless unicorn chasers.

When the stimulus passed Krugman was calling for one 3 x as big. He did laud the plan though saying it will be most effective because it will be handled at the state level. This would allow funds to be distributed more quickly. After the stimulus package did nothing they claimed Krugman said it was because they goofed letting it be handled on the state level. This made the funds distributed too slowly.

He's also correctly predicted 11 out of the last 8 recessions. He believes a bubble economy is not only healthy but necessary.

He's a smart dude and writes well but I want someone who can admit when they are wrong instead of making up excuses and pointing fingers.

He would be a disaster.
He won't want to cut the poor like a Tea-Party Puppet is my take on it.

The treasury Secretary doesn't handle welfare budgets........................................................................................................................................................................................................
I would not want Krugman as dog catcher. Keep him far away from the nation's purse strings.

Maybe him and Danny Glover are gay lovers, NTTAWWT.
I saw Glover at the airport during a layover in Portland, Oregon, back in '98. He's more my friend than yours.
The treasury Secretary doesn't handle welfare budgets........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Hence back to getting good people in there.

It's Jobs we need after all these years of "Economic" revelations.

Hey if this guy is good enough for Danny he's good enough for me.
Let the first person here that can do a better job cast the first stone.

There is one species in politics forum that is not in danger and that is the complainasoreass...

So you like Mr. Glover or you don't. I like the guy and his guy is good enough for me.
In the same mode..
Here is an update..

Dear Ernst,

Thank you for signing our Nominate Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary petition. With your help, we've reached 190,000 signers! We're starting to get noticed by the press. We're sending a message to Washington that the 99% are opposed to the mindless austerity agenda of Wall Street. We want a Treasury Secretary who will fight tooth and nail to resist cuts to Social Security benefits and efforts to raise the Medicare retirement age. We want a Treasury Secretary who will make job creation in America, not austerity, top priority. We want a Treasury Secretary who will oppose austerity policies at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. We want a Treasury Secretary who will explain to the media and the American people that spending on education, health care, and green energy creates jobs in America, but taking money out of our economy for foreign wars and occupations and overseas military bases destroys jobs in America.

We're on a roll. Can you help us expand our impact? Too many Americans think there's nothing we can do to stop Wall Street's austerity agenda. Let's show America that this defeatist idea is wrong.

Can you please forward this email to five of your friends right now? With your help, we can reach our goal! Share this link:
Thank you for taking a stand on this important issue.

&#8211; Danny Glover

P.S. Here are some mentions of our campaign in the press:

Mark Weisbrot: Why Paul Krugman should be President Obama's pick for US treasury secretary

Robert Naiman: Save Social Security: Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary


Like I say.. If it's good enough for Danny I like it..
Let the first person here that can do a better job cast the first stone.

There is one species in politics forum that is not in danger and that is the complainasoreass...

So you like Mr. Glover or you don't. I like the guy and his guy is good enough for me.

If that's the way you see it, why post a thread?
Personally on the issues of Economic function I subscribe to the philosophy of Hilbert Space.
While a system can be dynamic and multi-dimensional is it always finite.

A myth of Capitalism I have noticed is that some how there is always some new "economic" frontier that some Capital investment is supposed to create.

Any basic study of systems of economics will show us that we have finite resources involved.
In Turn, not so much as is the count of the number of grains of sand available to make glass, for example but the fact that once we define some system it fits into Hilbert Space and is finite. It can never be infinite. It can never solve our problems; our debt based banking that is. It's limited as are we life forms.. We are simply "shitting where we live."

I'm not so an advance math guy but it's clear to me that austerity politics also try to "shore-up" our capital system that by the nature of our banking can only create debt.
I don't believe our "Conservative" folks are worried about anything but keeping the investments already made safe. In turn there are pressures to take from the future as in cut Social Security while at the same time increase investment opportunities world wide with our war efforts.

If we wish to solve any debt problem we have to stop creating debt. That doesn't happen by cutting Social Security that happens when we stop being an Imperialistic nation.

For those who like movies try these

So basically I am on the side of free the slaves on the debt issue.
I can't argue that exploiting the planet hasn't provided the Human race some comfort. It is however an effect on our planet that doesn't add to long term planet health that we choose to ignore.
We cling to our guns and are worried someone is coming to take something from us when the truth is no one gets out alive or rich.

So yeah I like Danny Glover.. He is passionate.