Node Swapping.

Ive had this crazy idea in my head for a few days or so, the only thing i love more than growing my shit, is experimenting with the shit im growing.
Im going to try and take a node from two different strains, and attach it to the other plant. Like taking a cutting from plant a, and b, and putting the plant a cutting on plant b and cutting b on plant a. i figure in super cropping the plant heals itself when broken, so why shouldn't the plant heal itself connecting the new cutting with the opposite plant. I dont know if anyones thought of this or tried it before. but im thinking tape the cutting to the plant, or something similar. if any has a better idea for attaching the cutting to the dif plant let me know

My new plants are only a week old from germ so i will post pics on a dif thread when i do this.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ive had this crazy idea in my head for a few days or so, the only thing i love more than growing my shit, is experimenting with the shit im growing.
Im going to try and take a node from two different strains, and attach it to the other plant. Like taking a cutting from plant a, and b, and putting the plant a cutting on plant b and cutting b on plant a. i figure in super cropping the plant heals itself when broken, so why shouldn't the plant heal itself connecting the new cutting with the opposite plant. I dont know if anyones thought of this or tried it before. but im thinking tape the cutting to the plant, or something similar. if any has a better idea for attaching the cutting to the dif plant let me know

My new plants are only a week old from germ so i will post pics on a dif thread when i do this.:leaf:
yeah cut a branch and then cut a slightly thinner 1 from another plant and insert into bigger 1 and end up with different type of bud on that plant...........

Mai Thot

I've done grafting with fruit trees. I simply cut off a branch on one and in doing so, I cut a "V" into the plant to receive the new branch and cut the new branch with an upside down "V" so it fits into the other like a hand in glove. I secured the new branch in different ways but usually have someone hold the connection pieces together while I tied it by using string wrapped around and around until I covered the connection entirely and then tied it off. I then dripped beeswax on the string to keep out bugs and germs etc. Now, they have that green tape that would make it much easier, if strong enough to hold the new branch. (Just wrap more?)
I've grown plums on an apple tree and and the other way around. I started learning to do this in the fourth grade, while a Boy Scout. I never considered doing it with weed since it is an annual and the neatest part of grafting, to me, was seeing it provide two fruits from one tree year after year.


Active Member
There is a thread somewhere on this site I think showing someone with a mother plant with 6 different strains growing so they could take clones of each strain off the 1 plant
i wonder if i could graft a node onto the area where a fan leaf came out of the stem? or cut the stem in a spot and attach a node? i searched it on here but nothing really answered my questions about it, well they did just not the 2 questions i just asked lmao

Jack Larson

Active Member
i wonder if i could graft a node onto the area where a fan leaf came out of the stem? or cut the stem in a spot and attach a node? i searched it on here but nothing really answered my questions about it, well they did just not the 2 questions i just asked lmao
The most important part is making sure the cadmium membrane of the host plant makes as much contact as possible with the membrane of the donor tissue. So as long as the donor tissue piece fits the hole made by the removal of the fan leaf tightly it should work. The process takes approx. 10 to 12 weeks. Good Luck!.


Well-Known Member
Ive had this crazy idea in my head for a few days or so, the only thing i love more than growing my shit, is experimenting with the shit im growing.
Im going to try and take a node from two different strains, and attach it to the other plant. Like taking a cutting from plant a, and b, and putting the plant a cutting on plant b and cutting b on plant a. i figure in super cropping the plant heals itself when broken, so why shouldn't the plant heal itself connecting the new cutting with the opposite plant. I dont know if anyones thought of this or tried it before. but im thinking tape the cutting to the plant, or something similar. if any has a better idea for attaching the cutting to the dif plant let me know

My new plants are only a week old from germ so i will post pics on a dif thread when i do this.:leaf:
Been done. Its called grafting. Around as long as there has been gardeners.......
i was wondering about taking clones from a female and replacing with male cuttings, but i think they would still produce seeds? or maybe take a female strain, and graft a male dif strain onto it and let it pollonate itself then cut the male part off so it doesnt pollonate the other females?