node + cola


Well-Known Member
cola is the(or more than one) main stem where the bulk of the bud is produced. nodes are where petioles(leaf stems) meet the main stem.


New Member
mj leaves grow right off the main stalk. they grow in pairs and each new set of leaves grows opposite (or perpendicular) from the last set of leaves below it. each new set of leaves is called a node. so, a plant is said to be 4 or 5, etc. nodes high.

a cola is the flower cluster that forms at the end of a grow tip. that's the part you smoke. you can let your plant grow natural and many colas will form at the end of each grow tip, when flowering. or you can prune and train your plant to have only one cola, at the top of the main plant growtip (or meristem). many people claim that growing one main cola is the best. it will grow large and dank if you prune the plant so it concentrates on that one main cola.

hope this helps.


ive chopped my ak47 outdoor at 10th node or so i think as its only 4-6 weeks old but growing gud n i dnt want noisy next door to notice will topin at 10th make a difference anyone?