boo east coast. Can you even grow there. I mean what with the environmental conditions and all. JK. Good to have you on the site. Put up some pictures man.
The voting process to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes is only months away. It will surely get passed. But, I couldn't wait that long. I got 2 Jock Horrors, and 4 Amsterdam Indicas only 2 weeks old. I'll post some pics when I get a cam.
Maybe you should come to LA. We got some mighty fine smoke and some pretty cool people. The limo is rented but I bring it out for special occasions. I'll pick you up from LAX
"It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again"
Yes. You are paranoid Cheetah. You saw my picture. That was from 2 weeks ago.
Update. My buds are getting bigger. I'm glad I'm waiting. I think I've gotten 25% more weight. I'm going out of town next week and I'm trusting a friend to watch them. I'm pretty nervous about that. I don't think anyone knows how much work this job is. I'm spending at least 20 hours a week.
I know this shot isn't very good but it's the best I can figure out for now. This is my girl magnified x200. The tricomes look cloudy to me but I don't see amber. Anyone have an opinion????