Nobody knows, seriously


Well-Known Member
I have been getting leaf curl and my ppm has been rising every week. My plants could be a lot healthier.

I am about to start week 5 of flowering and I am only feeding around and 500 ppm

Last time I gave more nutes I had leaf burn.

My friend is growing the same strain and is in the same week. He is feeding 1200 ppm and his plants are healthier, but his buds are smaller and not as dank.
We are using the same base nutrients. I am using microbes, enhancers, etc. A lot more shit. He is using pots and hydroton. I am using a coco mat, rock wool, and hydroton.

I looked at my roots and they are happy. Nice and white, lots of them.

So far to solve this problem i raised the height of my drains and flood twice a day instead of four times. I also keep adding fresh water whenever to keep my ppm from rising to quickly (almost daily rise)

I have a small thrip problem. I have been spraying with Einstein Oil to keep thrip population down.

I don't have a lid on my res so I could be getting evaporation.

Do I have a Virus from the thrips?

What the fuck is going on and why am I cursed with all these gay problems! lol


Active Member
Yea GET A LID. if water evaporates it leave the existing solution more concentrated.

start with that.. then see what else is goin on

hope u sort it out m8