nobody knows how to fix this help


i have posted this ad posted this and nobody seems to know what to do or can give me any help. so this is the last time im going to lol. but anyways why is my leaves curling up like this its an outside grow in the ground and its only the new growth that is doing this. i topped it and once the new growth started coming in it started to do this. i just dont want it to die it started flowering too. ADVICE PLS.


Well-Known Member
my experience with this is that its heat stress, but thats from an indoor closet grow so i dont know if you can have heat stress outdoor.??


Well-Known Member
Its because the pics are shit, get some better pics and people will help. Can only be 2 things imo, 1- heat stress (what have the temps been ?) 2- Its rootbound, how big is the hole/pot ?


Well-Known Member
could be moths or leaf miners (try bio-provado). Could also be virus (like peach-leaf-curf). (use a fungicide). Get pesticide and fungicide and hit it from both angles. Many internet geeks will tell you heat stress, over-fertilizing or mag deficiencies but it's not.


Well-Known Member
Guys, this is an outdoor grow. Heat stress doesn't happen outdoors on top leaves only. Mag (or iron) deficiencies show as a inter-veinal chlorosis, not as whole leaves curling and dying individually.
I understand where you are both coming from but this is an outdoor grow and pests or fungi have obviously come into play here.


Well-Known Member
i would listen to me and *BUDS as i have had a heat stressed plant that looked the very same, and have a plant at the mo with less severe looking heat stress


Well-Known Member
OK, everyone obviously disagrees. I would suggest posting this on the outdoor gardening site.


The pics are small. But u can clearly see the problem with the leaves. The plant continues to gro no problems just the curling in the leaves on every singl last bit of the new growth. No signs of it getting better I try cooling it off with a spray bottle I have been watering just a bit more often to try and compensate for the heat stress if it even is but still nothing. It's been like this for a week. And the past week has been in low and high 90s . But as the pest part goes there is no bugs treated for that and they are gone for the most part. I am just stumped on this one


And rootbound? It's in the ground when I transplanted from pot the hole was dug estimated a foot. Foot n a half. Maybe 2 . Don't remember. I know it was deep enough


nobody asked for complaints on the picture i asked for help. whats the point in posting anything period if you cant see it.why would you waste your time and answer a question that was never asked . are you cool? ppl like you is what pisses me off. it might be a easier if you opened your eyes or put glasses on or not post anything at all if you dont have advice. fckn immature ppl