No Zombie Apocalypse!?


Active Member
So, i was totally looking forward to this so-called zombie apocalypse because like many others i spend hours on end practicing by shooting zombies online and whatnot you know. but i came across this photo with some information that just killed my hopes and dreams of having the whole world devoured by flesh eating retards. fucking caesar ruined everything.



Well-Known Member
I thought those smart scientists would.have considered leap years and the fact that the mayans didn't observe them into their interpretations. Zombies dont necessarily equal an apocalypse either.

P.s. The netflix movie 2012: Zombie Apocalypse is terrible.


Active Member
never seen it because it looked really bad lol. itll happen i think something like Resident Evil. hahaha. and the only people who survive will be like the ones from Zombieland LOL.

Toke It Up

The problem with these zombie apocalypse scenarios is that they don't take into account how weak and the rigamortis the dead bodies will have. Zombies wont even be able to get out of their coffin.


Rigamortis only lasts for a period of time and then the body goes back to the "limp" form, also lividity sets in first.


Active Member
hahahaha. but i mean thats why i said i think itd happen something like resident evil ahha. im sure whatever virus made such zombies had to have some effect on those after death effects maybe even eliminating them as a side effect or something lmfao im so high...


Well-Known Member
I can't speak on the Julian date but as far as the Mayans go, I think the Winter Solstice is the Winter Solstice. Not that I think anything is going to happen anyway, but I can still wish dammit!


Active Member
well if it happens im ready. im gonna start stacking up the ganja just incase so ill have enough to last me until things simmer down...


Well-Known Member
well if it happens im ready. im gonna start stacking up the ganja just incase so ill have enough to last me until things simmer down...
A zombie "Incident" would likely only last about a month, if that. With all the movies and shows and zombie this and zombie that everywhere in pop culture we would know exactly what to do to end it quickly. Bodies would decay after quarantine to the point of uselessness and we would be back to normal.

Whoever doesn't survive I consider it survival of the fittest. Thin the herd of idiots a bit.


Active Member
A zombie "Incident" would likely only last about a month, if that. With all the movies and shows and zombie this and zombie that everywhere in pop culture we would know exactly what to do to end it quickly. Bodies would decay after quarantine to the point of uselessness and we would be back to normal.

Whoever doesn't survive I consider it survival of the fittest. Thin the herd of idiots a bit.
thank god im in the south, zombies wont last long around here since almost everyone owns a gun legally and then all the drug dealers with AKs and shit haha.


Well-Known Member
thank god im in the south, zombies wont last long around here since almost everyone owns a gun legally and then all the drug dealers with AKs and shit haha.
That exactly right. I read this zombie survival guide, it was written very well. Super logical, and explains how it would pretty quickly end.


Active Member
but thats assuming were correct about their stupidity.... what if they are smart zombies? who can drive, shoot guns, and logically think out strategies? i mean if its possible for zombies then why do they have to be mentally retarded?