Well-Known Member
I wrestled in grade and high school. My hair in the 70s was down to or past my shoulders.
No one ever made me cut my hair
No one ever made me cut my hair
You can't do anything but hurl specious and unsubstantiated attacks. No substance, no thought, just vitriol.Seriously,
Cult of Sanders want to rule not govern. You and your kind keep telling everybody what to do rather than try to understand differences.
Sanders is OK. His followers are hypocrites who can't deal with facts that counter their unfounded belief.
What I read was:I didn't try to read all 9 pages of this thread, so if this was mentioned, sorry. My wife followed this story pretty close. I turns out the rules allow for longer hair to be covered. But it has to be done before weigh in. The kid didn't get his hair covered before weigh in, so he couldn't just grab a hairnet latter.
I return fire in kind.You can't do anything but hurl specious and unsubstantiated attacks. No substance, no thought, just vitriol.
You used to think. What happened?
I'm a little unsure how to respond to this entire comment but I will do my best.
Firstly, Why would one race be responsible to speak up for their 'own kind' only?
Why do you feel it was the black race of people in the audience that day that should have stood up and said something? (Where you there ? Why make assumptions as to whom was there, one should not divide a crowd by race)
Why would the 'only' people allowed to say anything in the audience be black people? To be honest, I think there is an underlying disposition that you might need to work on if your seriously pondering this question.
The young man went on to Win the wrestling match, this was an inhumane action that occurred to him before the fight, but I would not call this demasculization that is disrespectful to this victim, especially one who has stood up and challenged the authority and personnel that were in charge that day, I feel this combined activity was masculine and not even metaphorically relatable imo. ( not meant to insult what you said, just saying).
What I feel that you are overlooking is that there should be no difference in how a black or white coach should feel towards another person, regardless of what race he/she is coaching, the knowledge of how to treat another human being should be instilled in any stable Adult, should it not?
With this type of thinking, why didn't the people of Honduras defend those children that have been dying because of our inhumane border war? Why weren't people of Honduras there to speak up for the child that was dying being held against his/her will?
( I'm not out on a limb for connecting these two incidents either, there is a relative commonality that incidents like these share, that's why so many people stood up for this in the first place, that's why the story grew so large look at the bigger picture, inhumane treatment has lead to death in the past, is that not serious enough for us?)
Is it not the responsibility of the individual person that is observing or being commanded or ordered to proceed with a task, isn't it their responsibility to defend what their consciousness is telling them, that I'm doing something to another human that I wouldn't want done to my own offspring or relatives, look at how we are dehumanizing when we overlook the little things, the same logic effects us when lives are put on the line, and it becomes a life and death matter, then we all wonder how can we be allowing for children to die, we wonder why when full grown adults fail to address a problem that we all have the solution for inside of us.
To much importance is being placed into our own lives, where do we draw the line on the appropriate treatment of one another? If we go through life thinking the small incidents have no response on our subconscious, then why are children dying? (A bigger picture is visible if you open your eyes, these are relatable conscious misjudgements in character and thinking ability)
While I do agree there is a movement within society and in media that is pushing for social and racial divide, I also know it is up to us as individuals to be the change that you/we/I want to see in the World, be someone who speaks up when another HUMAN BEING is being mistreated and abused, stop being so worried about your own life and Ego and worry about other people whom need help, no matter where you see it occurring, if your conscious of something wrong happening F#cking get involved, it's not up to anyone else but You Yourself to make the difference. That's what is wrong with these adults and people today in general.
I see failure in Society to train our consciousness towards having concern towards others to the importance that it should be placed, which is at an all time low it seems, it seems people are not guiding their children in the right direction as kids/teenagers, then they grow up while living with an uncorrected view in their adulthood, which leads them unguided and more at odds with the successful treatment of others as adults, which then plays a major outcome in there lives in the end, and people hit rock bottom, why hit rock bottom before we learn? Why go through life causing issues for others, if the issue is laying in your own heart? People are astray with no awareness that a problem has been passed down and taught to them, like an engine that is revving that is unaware that it is about to blow a piston through the cylinder head, did the people's lives in this incident not explode, is the world not aware of their actions? (I guarantee you a 'rebuild' in their lives is necessary)
In regards to your encounter with the the woman whom said she did not give you permission to speak to you, we must understand that not everyone can have an elevated perception of reality as you or I, until more of the common people go out and make a change towards other races in their own lives people are going to be continuing on this path of despair and dis-trust, dis-concern, superiority, etc.
My only advice is to be your own change, If it doesn't start with you/I then where will being human to one another start? It is not going to develop on its own without us working towards making our own changes and Peace that we want to see in the World. (cliche I know, but true still)
Our Humanity does not rise out from the dirt, it starts from within us, we must not chose to ignore it's importance in our lives, and it's something that is better off developed sooner, not latter.
Schuylarr you are part of the problem. You think that because you went to a black doctor, you were going to start craving for chicken and watermelon...your words not mine. You also called his black nurses " African Primates"...again your words not've totally missed my point.
how about i make this white people say something now or should we keep out mouths shut when we see an injustice or someone making an excuse why they can't take a minute to fill out a fvcking petition when it involves a black person?
black members?
they've never had to hold down a real job before. They don't comprehend grooming standards.Let’s not ruin the fun for the real racists with facts.
65% of our nations economy comes from the 450 counties hillary wonthey've never had to hold down a real job before. They don't comprehend grooming standards.
65% of our nations economy comes from the 450 counties hillary won
Says the guy who voted for trump a month after he called for the execution of the Central Park 5
I didn't try to read all 9 pages of this thread, so if this was mentioned, sorry. My wife followed this story pretty close. It turns out the rules allow for longer hair to be covered. But it has to be done before weigh in. The kid didn't get his hair covered before weigh in, so he couldn't just grab a hairnet latter.
remember when you celebrated alongside white supremacists on election night?Could be any of 62 million different people, yet you still chose incorrectly! I forgive you.
nope! Be well.remember when you celebrated alongside white supremacists on election night?
or when you praised trump after he called nazis very fine people and said jews were hate criming themselves to make him look bad?
doesn't seem like anyone who likes jews would praise trump after he called nazis very fine people and said jews were hate criming themselves to make him look badnope! Be well.
Happy fishing!doesn't seem like anyone who likes jews would praise trump after he called nazis very fine people and said jews were hate criming themselves to make him look bad
i guess you harbor a lot of hate against jews
why all the hatred for jews?Happy fishing!
Hate has zero utility, try taking a day off from it. Your body will thank you.why all the hatred for jews?
I’m not the one celebrating alongside white supremacists and praising the guy who says Jews are doing hate crimes to themselves to make trump look badHate has zero utility, try taking a day off from it. Your body will thank you.