thats just wrong.The dorms suck the big one. I was lucky enough to have a single back in my dorm days. if it makes you feel any better you can have a lot of fun messing with room mates. Try going to a hardware store and picking up some fiberglass insulation. Pull a few strands out and lay them on his bed. it really doesn't take much, and you really do not want him to notice the stuff in his bed. when he wakes up in the morning the fiberglass will have burrowed its way under his skin. any one who has worked with the stuff will tell you that this itches like no other itch. if you are really feeling like freaking him out, put the stuff in the ballsack section of any pair of tight fitting underwear he uses.
best of luck.
fiberglass sucks BAD. and it does itch like no other itch, and feels like you have 1000's of mini shards of glass dug into your skin that will NOT come out.