No title!! just read the fucking thread!

The other day I was in a store, to be more descriptive a "small local business", and I witnessed a couple youth attempting to steal. Now, I felt like grabbing these two punks and beating the shit out of them for the hard lesson they so desperately need, but unfortunately I know better.
But it makes me wonder, what the fuck is becoming of our youth when even when stoned they are making wrong decisions. I mean to say that this is behaviour I would expect from people under the influence of alcohol.

I guess what I am asking is if people feel more or less responsible when high. Also what the effect of alcohol has on themselves for making responsible decisions. I had always found "stoners" to be a little more on the "thinking side"... has that changed?
Is the potent weed kids are smoking today really toasting their brains that much?
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smoker toker

Active Member
Wizard's First Rule: People are stupid

I wouldn't nessicarily credit their actions to the fact that these kids were, I'm assuming, high. People steal shit every day for many reasons. Although being high more than likely altered them into thinking they could get away with it no problem, I also wouldn't past them doing it while sober as well. Me personally? When I'm high (or drunk for that matter) I don't really loose my sense of control, seriously. I may act like an idiot, but I still know right from wrong.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:


Well-Known Member
how do you know they were "stoned"?
kind of my question to.,.,to me it seems ure that clint eastwo0d,character in grand torino "damn kids",lol.,.,see and blind hear and deaf.,.,mind ur bizness,lol.,.,only thing im afraid of is the neighborho0d watch,lol
when i smoke pot i'm always on the ''thinking side'' of things. it makes me step into somebody else's shoes and view things from there prospective. but pot effects everyone differently. maybe it was the weed those kids were smoking that made them steal.................. fuck it........ lets all get REALLY BAKED!! lolololololol =) =)


Well-Known Member
when i smoke pot i'm always on the ''thinking side'' of things. it makes me step into somebody else's shoes and view things from there prospective.
I'm with you on that. Weed makes me think. However weed does dumb some people down. My old roommate was one smart mofo, but when he smoked weed he turned into a total retard.


Well-Known Member
The fact of whether those punks were high is irrelevant to the question posted by the OP.

Stoners come in all stripes. There's no reason why the 'thinking side' would not be thinking about criminal acts.

I stand amazed sometimes as I read posts on this very forum from stoners advocating theft and other criminal acts. When challenged, the inevitable response is that since weed is illegal anyway, criminal acts are justified.

I can only wish it were all about peace, love, and tolerance.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Weed was stronger back in my day.The pot of the 70s was a lot stronger than these hybrids we toke on nowdays.It did not make me do stupid shit. PEACE


Well-Known Member
this friday its choci bars and porno mags, next friday its your hifi and ps3 and doesn't stop at the corner shop.

and if they want it bad enough for what ever reason not any one of us is safe from the current youth culture despite what we mite think or claim.

they just don't give a shit.


Well-Known Member
haha.. u cant blame the kid man maybe he had no father or mother to teach him any morals. shoot i did and i still stole when i was young, my thinking was more one demensional.


Well-Known Member
Yup, what is it with kids these days?
Youth crime has *dropped* for the last 15 years.

So you saw a couple of bad apples. Get over it.
Wizard's First Rule: People are stupid

I wouldn't nessicarily credit their actions to the fact that these kids were, I'm assuming, high. People steal shit every day for many reasons. Although being high more than likely altered them into thinking they could get away with it no problem, I also wouldn't past them doing it while sober as well. Me personally? When I'm high (or drunk for that matter) I don't really loose my sense of control, seriously. I may act like an idiot, but I still know right from wrong.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
I agree, but to look at these kids you would think they would have no reason to steal, well-dressed (well, to some standard), clean looking kids. I mean it just blows my mind because these kids were old enough to know better, but for some reason they don't.

how do you know they were "stoned"?
Because I wasn't born yesterday. In fact there was a time long ago when I was that age and getting high, so I think I know what to look for.:blsmoke::mrgreen:

Shit, I can even tell a crackhead from a speedfreak.

when i smoke pot i'm always on the ''thinking side'' of things. it makes me step into somebody else's shoes and view things from there prospective. but pot effects everyone differently. maybe it was the weed those kids were smoking that made them steal.................. fuck it........ lets all get REALLY BAKED!! lolololololol =) =)
good to hear, stepping back (as you mentioned) is something I have always found marijuana help me to do. Look at the bigger picture, view from more than one angle and try to see it though someone elses eyes. +rep my friend

I'm with you on that. Weed makes me think. However weed does dumb some people down. My old roommate was one smart mofo, but when he smoked weed he turned into a total retard.
Maybe this has to do with WHY the person is getting high in the first place. I think some kids are just smoking weed to "get fucked up" so they think it allows them to act like idiots. Marijuana is about mind expansion and relief when on the recreation end of the spectrum, I wish people would stop using it like a drug

My thoughts too. Why do you want to 'beat the shit' out of these kids to teach them a lesson? Smoke some more weed dude.
There are consequences in life, and these consequences are steps in maturing and learning. Without these consequences there is no order, and chaos erupts. Let me be clear, chaos is much different from conflict, there is nothing wrong with conflict. In fact, conflict is often needed in consequence to preserve order. Conflict can be chaotic, and when it does it is rendered useless and unneeded. The conflict I FELT like imposing on these kids for consequence was chaotic, and therefore I did not carry out the acts and I say "that I know better". The consequence needs to be dealt by the proper figure in order to be effective, such as a respected relative/elder or officer of the law.

Thanks for the input though, try not to be so fucking self-righteous next time:mrgreen:

The fact of whether those punks were high is irrelevant to the question posted by the OP.

Stoners come in all stripes. There's no reason why the 'thinking side' would not be thinking about criminal acts.

I stand amazed sometimes as I read posts on this very forum from stoners advocating theft and other criminal acts. When challenged, the inevitable response is that since weed is illegal anyway, criminal acts are justified.

I can only wish it were all about peace, love, and tolerance.
This is the only explanation I could come up with as well. I think these kids see it as a lifestyle. It's too bad they couldn't teach kids about how marijuana is a medicine and not a drug. I think the overall attitude would change towards the plant. People who use the plant responsibly could live in peace, and the idiots would smoke crack, lol.

Good to hear from yah Johnny

this friday its choci bars and porno mags, next friday its your hifi and ps3 and doesn't stop at the corner shop.

and if they want it bad enough for what ever reason not any one of us is safe from the current youth culture despite what we mite think or claim.

they just don't give a shit.
Right, they need a lesson or it will not stop there. I can't understand why I have received grief over saying that I felt like beating the shit out of them to teach them a lesson, it's the same lesson I learned when I was a boy, and I caught on quick and became a man. Anyways...

did u happen to notice what these kids were stealing?
The answer to that question only becomes relevant if they were poor kids stealing a loaf of bread, or some other similar situation of that nature.

Not the case.

If you need a jackass response to you question FDD2BLK has provided us with the following:

fucking snickers bar. :cuss:

Yup, what is it with kids these days?
Youth crime has *dropped* for the last 15 years.

So you saw a couple of bad apples. Get over it.
All that means is 15 years ago the kids were even more fucked.
Big fucking surprise?


Well-Known Member
Looks like we're gonna need to get you a rocker and a shotgun, so you can park out on the porch and yell
"Damn kids! Get off my lawn!"