No Smell Odds


Active Member
So I'm planning my first grow... I got to keep it from my wife and anyone else that walks into my house... I am planning on building a 6'x8' flo box and a 6'x6' veg box... I was going to have 1 or 2 vents venting straight out the roof... then have 1 or 2 inline duct fans sucking air through 1 or 2 carbon filters... I also read something on an odor box and if needed I'll put 1 in the flo room and one outside the flo room.

No one will ever go up to my attic, so I'm not worried about that... I work at night and she works during the day so I'll have enough alone time to tend to them...

I spoke to a friend who grew for a while... He never tried to mask odor, but I trust everything else he said... but he said there's no way no how forget about it, she'll smell it...

I know many of you guys use carbon filters and other things, so I guess my question is, if I build and seal the boxes correctly and run all the vents, lights, and odor masking things correctly what are my chances of never having any drifting odor and my odds of being able to successfully keep this from her???


Well-Known Member
So I'm planning my first grow... I got to keep it from my wife and anyone else that walks into my house... I am planning on building a 6'x8' flo box and a 6'x6' veg box... I was going to have 1 or 2 vents venting straight out the roof... then have 1 or 2 inline duct fans sucking air through 1 or 2 carbon filters... I also read something on an odor box and if needed I'll put 1 in the flo room and one outside the flo room.

No one will ever go up to my attic, so I'm not worried about that... I work at night and she works during the day so I'll have enough alone time to tend to them...

I spoke to a friend who grew for a while... He never tried to mask odor, but I trust everything else he said... but he said there's no way no how forget about it, she'll smell it...

I know many of you guys use carbon filters and other things, so I guess my question is, if I build and seal the boxes correctly and run all the vents, lights, and odor masking things correctly what are my chances of never having any drifting odor and my odds of being able to successfully keep this from her???

Let me ask you a question....? How dumb do you think your wife is ?


Well-Known Member
you should put the carbon filter on the exhaust not on the intake and you should really only need it in the flowering room. Vegging plant certainly have a smell but it's not very intense and mainly just smells fresh and green. in a room that size you could have a lot of plants not sure how big you are planning on going with this op but I would definately invest in a nice sized carbon filter I've heard that you want 200 cfm for every 1000w of power (helps with heat disapation as well) and that's true cfm not the cfm on the fan but the cfm you end up with after pulling through the filter. Personally I wouldn't grow in my wifes house without her permission, but this isn't a forum on marriage advice so i'll stick to answering your question. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I agree with regrets. Why the hell do you not just tell her that you're going to do this if she likes it or not. At least she knows. Marriage is two way, your wife deserves to know.


Well-Known Member
I agree with regrets. Why the hell do you not just tell her that you're going to do this if she likes it or not. At least she knows. Marriage is two way, your wife deserves to know.
I second that. Why are you even married if she is not someone you can confide in?! Imagine how pissed, not to mention betrayed she would feel if for some reason you got busted. Then you wouldnt have to keep it from her at all cuz she would probably leave ur ass.
Sneaky people suck.

Either way, good luck.


Well-Known Member
No offense to all of you quoting me but you don't know anything about this guys relationship, so marriage advice is awfully premature here. I don't know if any of you are married but if you are I'm sure that you are not honest 100% of the time. This guys relationship could be just fine, but his wife hates pot and he loves it. On the plus side though if he really wants your help with marriage counseling now, he knows that you are willing and he knows how to find you. Good luck with your marriage and your grow.


Well-Known Member
Ignoring all the issues already discussed, I think that the general consensuses amongst growers is that it is a VERY difficult to hide a grow from anybody else sharing the same living space with you and the plants. 3+ months is a long time. Shit happens.


Active Member
i have heard that if you put urnial cakes every where in the attic you will not be able to smell much of anythings othere than them


Active Member
I appreciate it...sounds like the concensus is that i just need to tell her what's up...I've already mentioned it with not much success...

We'll see how it goes or grows or not!!

My marriage is dandy...sometimes it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission!!


Well-Known Member
Bigboss, I would agree that you didn't come on here to seek marital advice however it seems to me that any grower is taking risks regarding the illegality of their activities and to add to that the stress of risking your relationship with your wife sounds to me like you are going to be really paranoid for the next few months. When you consider your grow is likely to last at least three months and that you are doing it inside your home which presumably your wife has access to, perhaps you should realistically consider the possibility that she will come across your grow, especially if you suddenly start spending a lot of time in a remote part of your house like the attic. The implications of such a discovery by her could extend far beyond your growing and may call into question your trustworthiness in general. Without knowing exactly where you live, I would guess that you would be able to buy MJ and conceal it a lot more easily than you'd be able to grow it. I think you should really weigh up carefully the risk you're taking regarding growing versus the potential benefits. If your wife does discover your growing can you safely predict her reaction? At the very least she might consult friends regarding the situation without your even knowing it, and the growing operation that you might think only you know about might suddenly be the #1 topic of conversation amongst your wife and her friends and their friends. Being a married couple, it would seem to me that she has just as much stake in your home as you do. Depending on where you live, your growing could be putting that property in jeopardy which doesn't seem fair on her.

Having said all that, I have found this really cheap method to be an excellent odour control and have noticed an improved smell throughout my whole house despite the fact I am a smoker and stink the place out with cigarettes.

Build your own Odor Neutralizing Machine - Cannabis Culture Forums

Best of luck with your grow!


Active Member
im in same venting situation thru an attic that is only a few plants and 400 watt i need to be worried about mold or mosture collecting in my attic.... ive heard one nightmare story of a guys living room raining and other things