No smell, no hope?


New Member
Hi guys,
I´m growing a couple of Moby Dick exteriors and they are doing just fine. However, A plant has grown (nothing to do with the Moby Dick plants) out of nowhere. I didn´t plant it but it has grown and has been flowering for roughly 8 weeks. It has budded up nicely but there is absolutely no smell and isn´t sticky.
I don´t know what strain it is or anything. It is weed but WTAF, am I gonna get high?IMG_20180905_115959.jpg IMG_20180905_120009.jpg IMG_20180905_120034.jpg
I´ve posted a couple of photos.
Please help.


Well-Known Member
Looks healthy. I would not get too concerned about lack of smell. I've got two plants from the same batch of seeds, and the phenos are different. One of them is so far along in flowering that it might be almost ready to harvest. Buds are sticky and fragrant. But the second plant not only looks different but is slower in flowering, and its flowers are not very sticky and don't put out much of a smell. You won't know how good it is till you smoke it.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
that's it ^ i've grown some that looked like fire and didn't do much to me, and some that i thought was going to not be so great that put my dick in the dirt. it looks good, let it run and see what happens


Well-Known Member
Are you sure its not a hemp volunteer? Are you in an area that has natural hemp?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
it could be hemp, but that looks pretty frosty to be hemp. i'd grow it out either way, if it turns out to be hemp, keep it for the cbd, smoke it when you're tired and sore from working.


Well-Known Member
What a shitload of hassle for 3 grams, if you didn't plant it then how is it perfectly in the center of the pot?!


Well-Known Member
What a shitload of hassle for 3 grams, if you didn't plant it then how is it perfectly in the center of the pot?!
I'd assume he repotted it after it showed up since that pot isn't sharing another plant either.


New Member
No hemp in this area as far as I know but i know there are a few personal growers around so who knows?some


Well-Known Member
some strains do not smell until later. I just cracked a train wreck curing in the jars for 2 months. At first it was nice but now it tastes like fruity pine. Exactly as it should.

At first it just tasted like bubble gum and haze. What pine?

Lots of flavor develops in the cure