No signs of roots after 8 days in EZ Cloner


I have had about 30 clips in an EZ Cloner for 8 days now and they have signs what so ever of rooting, this is first time with EZ Cloner. I took the clips and realized there were bugs, so I dipped leaves in Azatrol and let drip dry. Then I dipped stem in Hormex rooting solution. EZ Cloner is running tap water. Also under florescent light. I have yellow bottom leaves, which with all my other cloning is a sign the plant is rooting, but it isn't. The clips are all perky too.



Well-Known Member
I have had about 30 clips in an EZ Cloner for 8 days now and they have signs what so ever of rooting, this is first time with EZ Cloner. I took the clips and dipped in Azatrol and then dipped in Hormex rooting solution. EZ Cloner is running tap water. Also under florescent light. I have yellow bottom leaves, which with all my other cloning is a sign the plant is rooting, but it isn't.

WHat is your root zone temp?

Are you running a cycle timer?

I found that I get roots even on the most difficult cuttings with in two weeks in my Ez-cloner.

I use a small aquarium heater to keep the reservoir temps around 72-75 F. I run ph 5.8 water with a mild nutrient called Kick Start. I only take the cuts and dip them in root-tech gel, I found using hormones in the cloner water actually took longer for roots to form although lots of white regenerative tissue formed on the stems.

I also run a cycle of 4min off 1min on and it works a million times better.

Also be sure to clean out your cloner and soak the collars in a solution of hot water in bleach. Rinse everything well, dirty ez-cloners just don't work well.

When I do all these things my cuts root fast with little to now yellowing of the leaves.

Good Luck

Active Member
Cuttings take time to root. The fastest I've seen roots grow was seven days. Cuttings need water, oxygen, humidity (100% for the first couple of days) all within specific ranges. If your cuttings are not rooting after a while then one of the conditions (or more than one) are not being met.

Also, if a couple start to grow roots and others of the same strain are not then it's most likely the ones that are not will not grow roots. For example, if cutting X grows roots today and a week later another cutting from the same plant is not growing roots, it most likely won't.

I hope this helps. If you have a specific problem/question feel free to PM. If not, Merry Christmas.



Active Member
I found cuttings and seedlings respond best with some fresh bottled water. It's already RO'd and PH'd so it's probably the best bet in ur ez cloner. Also, is it a DYI ez cloner or is it an actual EZ Cloner from the company??


Well-Known Member
Just give them time and be patient, if they are ALL not rooted, chances are that strain or the conditions they are ALL in is making them ALL react the same. Which is slowly. If some were rooted and some were not i would say they are duds. but in this case...They just need time i think.