Well-Known Member
Hey Crazy...send him some pee weed! (just kidding) I'm guilty of it too! LOL!! Nitrogen!

Hey Crazy...send him some pee weed! (just kidding) I'm guilty of it too! LOL!! Nitrogen!
yeah man, just dont shower for a while, grow a scraggly goatee and get a tattoo on your face. no one will think you are a cop then. seriously though, go to the same bar for a while and chill and talk with some people. build up a rapport. the more people see you regularly and get to talk to you and know you they will be more open to getting you some bud.I try to buy weed but people think I'm a cop. How do you get past this? I cant buy it I'll have to grow it. went to a bar tonight looking for a bag, dude says he'll selll me a 1/4 than says no way I'm a cop, he then offers a gram but he still thinks I'm a cop & chickens out. WTF.
Exactly what happens where I live. Seriously though, you have to build cred and trust. The smoking a splif infront of them isn't a bad idea. Show him your BMW and be like, "Look... Can a cop even afford this car? No. Now give me a 4th or I'll knock your fucking teeth in."The ironic thing is when cops make busts they don't dress clean-shaven!!!! They look like your average baser, you wouldn't never be able to tell them apart. A clean-cut, middle-aged guy in a BMW...Are you kidding me? That's not conspicuous at all. If you came around some of the neighborhoods I lived in, you would barely have to stop, dudes would run to your car.
My advice: Go to poorer neighborhoods.![]()
its not rite, the gov. wont, let us grow, so we have to lurk roung street corners, goto dodgey areas, pubs/bars ect, should we be having to do this fucking shit, if your over 21. 18 england lol. then you should be able to go buy cannabis in a safe place, or grow your own.
also dealers will sell anyone any old shit, esp. if they dont know you.
this isnt rite, i dont give a fuck im growing my own, i can get weed , but i feel your pain.
for fuck sake you could get sold glass, mixed in with your weed, heroin , anything, the dealers dont give a fuck, if they dont know you,.
go to the bar a few times, if your desperate. maybe dont go in the beemer, and the tweed joke, i mean jacket.. try a different bar, maybe ask a stoner,if he has any c.papers, and get talking, say im new to the area, and need a smoke, try to look as normal as poss.
anyway in a few months, fuck em, youll have your own shit.
the only ??'s I ask is what kinda smoke it is & how much, all seemes cool then suddenly it's like now way we think your a cop, get lost.
for mutha fuckin reali wish people would sell me weed with heroin in it![]()
Driving a beemer? tell them you want to buy some blow - they'll buy that. And then say - ah you know what - i'd rather just mellow out - got any weed?But I like the clean cut look, I'm a clean cut kinda guy. Besides the fact that that just because I smoke a bowl every now & then it doesn't define me. And no I don't really know anyone in my area, at this point in my life my friends are hundreds of miles away living their lives raising families & shit.
Also your less likely to get harrassed by cops wearing a tweed overcoat & driving a BMW than looking like a stereotypical stoner.
"Not that there is anything wrong with that" Its just that society puts you in a catagory based on your appearance, whatever that happens to be.
As long as you don't live in USA, Australia or Japan you can get your weed mail ordered from Canada under stealth packaging. See my gallery for pic of the awesome Jack Herer I got from them...Oh boi...I try to buy weed but people think I'm a cop. How do you get past this? I cant buy it I'll have to grow it. went to a bar tonight looking for a bag, dude says he'll selll me a 1/4 than says no way I'm a cop, he then offers a gram but he still thinks I'm a cop & chickens out. WTF.
We are waiting ...I have an idea or two about this. I think your problem can be solved very easily. VV
yeah man the strippers and hookers are the way to go. just dont leave your wallet laying around. make sure when they perform, dont let their cold sores and open blisters touch you anywhere. first i make them wrap my whole body in saran wrap and then poke a hole in the mouth so i can breathe. oh yeah a hole so for something else to stick out too.We ALL have/had the same problem as you. That's why we are here empowering ourselves.
You can find it but once you are done blowing cash on let's see... You could get car jacked on those corners or caught in a crack sting by mistake and pay hefty lawyer fees... buy it off the Internet and risk getting nabbed or popped.... etc. etc.
Grow it yourself and you'll have an endless. For $1,000 or less in supplies/equipment you'll have a super productive stealthy grow.
I'm out right now and REFUSE to pay for plant matter. It's stupid to buy it.
But, if you insist.... Get friendly with Strippers and Hookers. They'll get it for you.