Where does it say that Greatwhitenorth? I don't see any rule section on personal messages, so I didn't know. Should not allow mods to censor great posts but allow annoying pictures and threads and scams.
I said "generally" as it was obvious you didn't know - hence no ban.
I don't seem to be able to find it verbatim atm, but hit the link - here's a highlight.
No Abuse of Rollitup messenging systems (PM's, IM's, and email form)
Personal Messaging is provided to the members of Rollitup as a service intended to enhance the Community experience. The purpose of personal messaging is to allow for
discreet conversations to take place between members. This privilege is not to be abused!
Who's opinion should I use to differentiate between post's we should allow and those that need deletion ?
Again, if you have a better system, hold up your hand & pitch in.
Lower right hand corner of this page *Terms and Rules* covers pretty much everything else.