Well-Known Member
Second hand tobacco smoke isn't psychoactive ... second hand marijuana smoke is. You don't have to put a joint between your lips and inhale to get high. Hence terms such as "contact high" and "hotboxing". Just because YOU want to get high, doesn't give you the right to intentionally or unintentionally expose someone else ... especially children.Or serve 3 years in the state penitentiaryYeah I'm gonna vote for that!
Driving on the freeway with the windows down posses more of a health risk.
I smoke very little very good's not like it is tobacco...the amount I smoke a day is ~1-2 cigarette(s)...and besides it is not even an infraction to smoke all the tobacco you want in the presence of minors...but a felony for cannabis??? WTF is that about???
How is a mother supposed to tell her kids that she smokes Cannbis, and it's ok, cuz it totally legal...but you can not be in here right now or mommy will go to out in a sec! Kids are not stupid.
How does a mom answer that question? The same way she tells her kids why mommy can have a glass of wine and they can't. The same way mommy tells the kids they can't come in when mommy and daddy are nude wrestling.
I'd hope marijuana using parents would educate their kids on marijuana, its uses, and the laws. Inform your children of the truth and you don't have to hide anything, nor feel ashamed when you step outside the room to take a toke.