No obama, no romney...send a message and vote for 420 friendly gary johnson (video)


Well-Known Member
After this week's raid on Oaksterdam, I say enough is enough with Mr."Hope". Obama has raided over 100 dispensaries in the last 3 years...far outpacing Bush...and with harsher, more severe tactics. Fuck this guy....and no Romney either.

Let's all send a message and vote for 3rd Party Libertarian Gary Johnson...sure, he's not going to win, but with enough votes, it will send a strong message that this 2 party system is a fucking joke. Here's Mr. Johnson on Colbert earlier this week:


Well-Known Member
i would humbly suggest it would be better to threaten to not vote for obama in return for the recent actions, and to use mmj as a forcing wedge issue. that way he can only lose votes if he opposes and gain votes if he supports.

poly sci 101