NO more BUSH!


Well-Known Member
(Edwin Hawkins Singers in background singing ... "Oh Happy Day")
Yes indeed kids ... it is a happy day ... most can feel it ... I didn't vote for the cat because of the DNC ... hate those fuckers:finger: ... but I am willing to give him a chance to make good ... we shall see what happens ... I'll be watching that's for sure ...
Check this out kids ...
Hit The Road, George!

LMAO !!! Hey he cant help it if he's retarded. I mean we did vote for his stupid ass twice. I say we americans take some of the blame. We should not have voted for a retarded guy.
Whoa guit man ... let's slow down to quarter notes ... the illegitimate bush was never elected by the people ... true there were retards that actually voted for him, but not enough to get him legally elected ... long story ... check the "Susan" thread for complete details ...

Do you play the guitar?:bigjoint: I just started a couple of months ago ... back at it again ... are my fingers ever going to stop hurting?:cry: .... got the callous ... but my finger tips are extremely sensitive ... it's not bad while I'm playing ... but when I'm out in the cold ... boy do they ring out!:o I play the violin too ... but I just can't do justice to the instrument ... been playing that off and on for years ... I'm hoping playing the guitar will help me as a violinist ... :hump:


Well-Known Member

Do you play the guitar?:bigjoint: I just started a couple of months ago ... back at it again ... are my fingers ever going to stop hurting?:cry: .... got the callous ... but my finger tips are extremely sensitive ... it's not bad while I'm playing ... but when I'm out in the cold ... boy do they ring out!:o I play the violin too ... but I just can't do justice to the instrument ... been playing that off and on for years ... I'm hoping playing the guitar will help me as a violinist ... :hump:

How hard is it to learn the guitar? I have been wanting to get one and learn FOREVER!!!!!!!! I just don't have anyone around to teach me, I know there are lessons and shit online. It's just not the same tho


Well-Known Member
How hard is it to learn the guitar? I have been wanting to get one and learn FOREVER!!!!!!!! I just don't have anyone around to teach me, I know there are lessons and shit online. It's just not the same tho
Its not easy, thats for sure. It takes time. Thats pretty much it. Lots and Lots of time to practice. You gotta really wanna play too or you wont take the time to practice, but after a while things start to click and it gets easier.



Well-Known Member
Its not easy, thats for sure. It takes time. Thats pretty much it. Lots and Lots of time to practice. You gotta really wanna play too or you wont take the time to practice, but after a while things start to click and it gets easier.


That is what alot of people tell me, I wanna play more and more after every concert I go to


Well-Known Member
That is what alot of people tell me, I wanna play more and more after every concert I go to
Well if your gonna start, start now. It takes years of practice to get good. And you never really feel like you get better, your always striving to learn more. Then when you do learn something, you see someone else play something harder and they make it look so damn easy... it can be pretty frustrating.



Active Member
NO MORE BUSH has the same ring as NO MORE HOWARD. the Aussies voted that arse wipe out just over a year ago. great feeling isn't it!! really glad that the whole US election thing is over. We probably knew more about all the candidates better than you lot over there. some of it was great entertainment, like the moose hunter. Howard is a pretty arogant and very self centered and he showed this last week when Bush handed out those medals to him and Blair. Howard did not even have the decency to move out of that mansion guest house and let the Obarma"s to stay there like they should have. the US press really showed his as a prick and rightly so. anyway wish the new guy well cause Brush really handed him a crappy set of books. and lets bring our troops home>


God*** there is a jeep cherokee add on TV "can we get one for less than. 39 grand" YES WE CAN!! fuck me Obarmas doing voice overs to flog US cars downunder


Well-Known Member
Oh my aching back! If anyone says it's easy to grow indoors they are lying ... redesign my closest ... with the help of a straight male friend ... got to hand it to some of you straight men and knowing how to put something together well ... ;-) My ladies are going to be so happy with the extra room ... took me 12 hours to do it too ... my friend helped for 5 of those ... couldn't have done it without him.:bigjoint:

How hard is it to learn the guitar? I have been wanting to get one and learn FOREVER!!!!!!!! I just don't have anyone around to teach me, I know there are lessons and shit online. It's just not the same tho
I don't think it's hard ... but I've been involved with music on and off during my life ... the main thing is getting pass the sore fingers ... builting up and maintaining your callous ... but from the sound of your post ... you want to learn rock guitar ... it's easier to learn on an electric guitar than an acoustic ... the action is lower and less pressure is needed to play the cords ... as far as the online lessons ... I've learned more from them than any private teacher ... those guys online show you how to play some really easy and popular songs ... if you can learn your open chords and develop a smooth transition between them you will be well on your way to playing ... if those private teachers started me off on playing cool songs I would have stuck with it ... now that I know I can ... I love learning to play ... I have an acoustic guit box ... that's what I call mind ... :lol: Right now I'm interested in learning enough where I can have sing alongs at parties and bon fires ... :mrgreen: Probably will want to learn more once I have that down ... the teachers on line stress learning new techqines ... same with the violin ... but I'll probably be nothing more than a "fiddle player" ... some classical pieces are really hard ... I run with I see 32nd notes ... HELP!

NO MORE BUSH has the same ring as NO MORE HOWARD. the Aussies voted that arse wipe out just over a year ago. great feeling isn't it!! really glad that the whole US election thing is over. We probably knew more about all the candidates better than you lot over there. some of it was great entertainment, like the moose hunter. Howard is a pretty arogant and very self centered and he showed this last week when Bush handed out those medals to him and Blair. Howard did not even have the decency to move out of that mansion guest house and let the Obarma"s to stay there like they should have. the US press really showed his as a prick and rightly so. anyway wish the new guy well cause Brush really handed him a crappy set of books. and lets bring our troops home>
Oh God yes ...a wonderful feeling ... I was so jealous of you guys when you got rid of howard ... so many happy people in the streets on the 20th ... I've never seen anything like it ... more people showed up than ever before ... yet ... no one was arrested ... what a difference from four years ago ... the bush crime family had to go down pass a hand picked crowd ... people threw eggs at their car ... yet Obama was able to get out the friggin car ... twice ... people had T-shirt and buttons with his image on it ... it was like he was some kind of rock star ... I felt the joy of the crowd ... it made me smile ... it was like it was contagous ... :clap: Did you hear the crowd boo when bush left the WH ... that was classic! ... And bush put howard at that hotel to snub Obama ...

So far Obama is really shaking things up. I'm curious on just how far he's going to go.
Yes .. he is giving the impression of sincerity ... it going to be very interesting to see what he does now that he is in office ... I like the part about freezing WH staff pay ... :hump:


New Member
How about giving the lobby groups the cold shoulder. Now that is a bold move. No gifts of any size are allowed any more. That's good news......


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... that too ... I wonder if we have another Kennedy on our hands ... if so his life is in danger ... if he start helping the people and disregarding corporate interests his life will be in great danger ... the elites will have him killed just as they did Kennedy ... did you know he was going to get rid of the federal reserve before they killed him?:?:


Well-Known Member
I thought it was more like did you know they killed him cause he wanted to get rid of the federal reserve.