No media bias?


Active Member
First off: I don't agree with alot of the views of the president. I simply let him do his job the best he can and hope that he guides this country in the right direction. Oh wait here comes the "He messed up and led us into a war."

Question: YOU GOT A BETTER PLAN?!?! REMEMBER 9/11??? THEY CAME AND FUCKED WITH US FIRST! Who knows what would have happen if we wouldn't have gone in there.... MORE DEAD AMERICANS.

Lets talk about propaganda:
You seem to have plenty.

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Example 7
Example 8

And I didn't have to leave the first page for all that shit. I can't imagine if I went to the next page of threads. You either work for a Lefty or get a hard on posting this shit. And wow is it SHIT!

And second, I was talking about WE being everyone reading this thread. Or WE meaning everyone who realizes your full of shit and you bitch just to bitch. Don't play word games with me.

I vote for whoever can run this country the best, and last election I wasn't going to vote for Harry Kerry, sorry. And I can't wait for Hillary, "It takes a village to raise a child." No you dumb bitch, it takes a compitent MOTHER and FATHER.

On that note: Peace out Girlscout.



Well-Known Member
Good posts ZigZag
you are correct about our illustrious med......he is averse to substantive, responsive


New Member
wouldn't have gone in there.... MORE DEAD AMERICANS.
Hey asswipe, how many more dead Americans do you want, We've added 3160+ since 911, you propose on adding how many more? People with your intelligence belong in a box a 6 sided box without an exit, IE a coffin. your too dumb to see the truth. keep drinkin the koolaid with your idiot friends and spouting hatred for all but Americans, It is your ilk that has gotten us into this debacle. If I had my choice of shooting innocent Iraqis or people like you, guess which ones I would blow what little brains they have out of. Hey fuckwad stick your peace up your ass. It's only too bad we can't talk face to face, I'll bet you wouldn't be so fucking rude then! BTW. I consider myself a patriot of the first degree, It's this sedicious government in charge that are unpatriotic. If there were a real crisis threatining this country, Id be the first to step up, while your flimsy ass would sit back and moan and groan. What kind of country is more interested in rebuilding Iraq than taking care of it's own citizens, thats right Dubyas. So drink up you fucking asshole, if you are for Dubya, you are definently my enemy.


Active Member

Your avatar says it all... A dick with ears...

Funny thing is 15 times more people died in the world trade center then have died in the war. That right, check your CNN numbers bud. I'm not going to bother digging up the link about CNN purposly fudging the analysis of how many people have died. GREAT NEWS!

Oh by the way dumbfuck, I'm enlisted in the Marines. My point is my country didn't have to ask for my help, I offered it. you patriotic.... HA. Remember, even though I don't agree with your politics, I would still die in war fighting for your right to express your opinion, THATS WHAT AMERICA AND BEING A PATRIOT IS ABOUT. I would never wish harm upon you... But I guess thats where people like me differ from people like you. Some people get it, and some people are Dicks With Ears.

Like I said: Peace out Girlscout.



New Member
Hey, Zig Zag ...

Your not really leaving because of Med are ya? Take it from me ... Med is a big old Teddy Bear. Deluded, yes ... but a Teddy Bear none the less. :mrgreen:



New Member

Your avatar says it all... A dick with ears...

Funny thing is 15 times more people died in the world trade center then have died in the war. That right, check your CNN numbers bud. I'm not going to bother digging up the link about CNN purposly fudging the analysis of how many people have died. GREAT NEWS!

Oh by the way dumbfuck, I'm enlisted in the Marines. My point is my country didn't have to ask for my help, I offered it. you patriotic.... HA. Remember, even though I don't agree with your politics, I would still die in war fighting for your right to express your opinion, THATS WHAT AMERICA AND BEING A PATRIOT IS ABOUT. I would never wish harm upon you... But I guess thats where people like me differ from people like you. Some people get it, and some people are Dicks With Ears.

Like I said: Peace out Girlscout.

If you are really a marine then I applaud you. But that doesn't change my mind about the war. And where did you get figures for the trade center bombings that exceeded the 3100 or so figure, out of your ass. Proof is needed for those figures. Have you been to Iraq? If so, are you Gung-ho like a lifer, or just ignorant? The count is over 3100 in Iraq and that isn't including 12,000 that have missing body parts but are alive, 60,000+ Iraqis and Half a trillion Bucks. Oh yeah, this war was genious. I hope you aren't one of the ones coming home in a bag. I did my service to my country and that entitles me to an opinion. I survived Viet Nam and the people hated us. When I was old enough and intelligent enough to look at the war from afar, I saw what a debacle it really was, kinda like Iraq! BTW check out my new avatar, Britneys camera snapping a picture of you. I hope if you are going to Iraq your eyes get better, that old avatar had no ears. Wouldn't want you to miss one of those insurgents with your M-16.


Well-Known Member
George Stephanopoulos at ABC worked for Clinton, Tim Russert at NBC worked for Moynihan. And there are several other examples of cross pollination.
I am only aware of one major news outlet (TV) that leans a little to the right.---FOX.
Left leaning....NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, MSNBC.(TV)....print media....NYTimes, LATimes, Wash Post, Time, Newsweek...etc

Right leaning print media....WSJ, Wash Times.
Talk radio is the only media outlet in which the right dominates.
One of the reasons talk radio has become such a juggernaut of ratings is because most Americans have been aware of the bias inherent in the "MSM".
They provide a healthy alternative.
Has FOX News promulgated right wing fantasies as Dan Rather has gleefully
attempted for the far left at “neutral” CBS?

Med, could you mention even one "lie" Tony Snow has originated?
for someone who hates LIARS so very much that he is willing to hump a thesaurus about it, you sure do love FOX news.



Well-Known Member
for someone who hates LIARS so very much that he is willing to hump a thesaurus about it, you sure do love FOX news.

Huhhh? I do not see the connection as Obama has elevated the art of lying to a virtually unprecedented, Buck you are flailing and sputtering like a demented roman candle


Well-Known Member
Huhhh? I do not see the connection as Obama has elevated the art of lying to a virtually unprecedented, Buck you are flailing and sputtering like a demented roman candle
obama has NOTHING on fox news, you pathetic liar.


Well-Known Member
First off: I don't agree with alot of the views of the president. I simply let him do his job the best he can and hope that he guides this country in the right direction. Oh wait here comes the "He messed up and led us into a war."

Question: YOU GOT A BETTER PLAN?!?! REMEMBER 9/11??? THEY CAME AND FUCKED WITH US FIRST! Who knows what would have happen if we wouldn't have gone in there.... MORE DEAD AMERICANS.

Lets talk about propaganda:
You seem to have plenty.
Good posts ZigZag
what's this?

waffles complimenting a fellwo member on his retarded defense of the iraq war?


"we had to invade iraq because saudi nationals bombed us!!!!" - right wing idiot bush lover

"good point" - waffle


this is too much fun.