no light for three days before chop?


Well-Known Member
thanks. :)

i can't believe, with all the growers here, no one ever does "controlled experiments". :neutral:
i do, but my test room is only so big lol. i have 2 vertical test going on and a nutreint comparrison and now the darkness one haha


Well-Known Member
do you have a side-by-side comparison of two plants? one that was kept on a regular light cycle and one that was put in the dark? i'd be interested in seeing some pics, if you did.

you can't just say "i tried it and it works". it may have "worked" without the extended dark cycle.

why would we need to get info anywhere then from a forum full of GROWERS?
not a direct side by side ,but a few of the same strain's that i harvested i have done both ways , also i dont need a side bye side the institute already has done it ,i just need to read there results !besides 3 more days waiting and free dark why the hell not !

also i said it works( my opinion ) lets clear that up .


Well-Known Member
ALSO here is a little info that was sent to me by another old school grower .it is a good read .just putting up some info i found useful .
......But it is a known fact that THC works like 'sunscreen' in glandular trichome heads protecting the delicate inner glands from light rays. While doing that job some amount of THC is lost every day to light degradation. That means that had the harvested plants been left under lights another 72-hours they 'might' have seen some increase in THC levels but it would be impossible for it to have been as much due to some percentage of what was made would have been degraded by light.

Another factor is if harvested at the proper time during the additional 72-hours of light some percentage of THC would have degraded and turned into CBN, a waste byproduct of degraded THC, so there would have been some additional loss above and beyond that of just light degradation. The crop left in darkness had no increase in CBN during the 72-hours of darkness like the other group would have had if left under lights. It retained the THC it already had and added more. If the other group had been left under lights it 'might' have had some increase in THC but through light degradation and THC in fully ripe plants naturally transforming into CBN it would have been impossible for the possible increase to have been nearly as much and it is even possible there would have been an overall net loss.

A very important thing to factor in is that most THC is made during periods of darkness. During hours of light plants 'multitask' and perform many functions but even being under light they do have a limited amount of energy to use so it is allocated on a priority level and some functions receive more energy for what they are during the day than they do in periods of darkness and some receive lesser amounts of energy during the day than they do in periods of darkness. THC creation is one of the functions that receives more energy during periods of darkness when most other plant functions are stopped or their energy levels cut back to an absolute minimum.

Given 72-hours of darkness keeps the plants operating in darkness mode where THC production is receiving a larger amount of energy than it would during hours of light so THC production is maximized. Add to that there is no loss of THC to light degradation and no loss of THC in fully ripe plants naturally degrading and becoming CBN and that explains why even if there 'might' have been some increase of THC levels had the other crop been left under lights for another 72-hours there is no way it could have been anywhere near as dramatic as the largest increases and there would have been increased levels of CBN.


Well-Known Member
no side-by-side proof then?

a "controlled experiment" is the ONLY true way to prove anything.

but whatever, it's certainly not changing anything i do. ;)


New Member
Ask your lady with a crystal ball, its probably based on the same sound evidence that it actually does anything.


Well-Known Member
i see comprehension is as lacking as your spelling.

i think trying to "trick" your plants into anything is amateurish. if you've done everything right from the beginning there is no need for any of this nonsense.
nonsense ! even some new strains even say up to a week by the breeder , this study was by a marijuana institute ,all i heard you put up is term's like hog wash and trick were is something with some real info !


Well-Known Member
nonsense ! even some new strains even say up to a week by the breeder , this study was by a marijuana institute ,all i heard you put up is term's like hog wash and trick were is something with some real info !
i have been asking for a "side-by-side". when i see one i will re-evaluate my thoughts. :)


Well-Known Member
i have been asking for a "side-by-side". when i see one i will re-evaluate my thoughts. :)
they did it (the institute )side by side i emailed them and they responded and said (.try it it works) .. i dont have the room to do a side by side ,but even greenhouse seeds like there white widow suggest up to 2 weeks dark for just this reason. so im just trying to put up the info i came across when i was asking that question ..


Well-Known Member
My plants were on day forty.five or so when the power went out for thirty something hours..pitch dark in there and when the lights went back on there was new pistils all thick and white where they were starting to die back id swear the plant stacked a few more flowers on the definitely had zero ill effect i could tell of..


Well-Known Member
I guess one way to find out would be growing out the same clones and knowing what a regular growth pattern produces first because otherwise id have no idea what anything did...that's why i don't buy all sorts of have no clue if it helped or not
I'm a molecular biology major student. And this completely sounds logical. I believe a lot of people r talking Without knowledge on this one. When a plant feels it's life is over it gives one last thrive to get polinated. In nature plants have 2 goals. Survive and reproduce. So it's going to push out its maximum reisin threshold to have bigger crystals and be stickier to hopefully catch some pollen. But also seed genetics play a role. Plants have pre-determined maximums, so if grown correctly you might be close to your maximum.


Well-Known Member
Ministry of Cannabis actually reccomends not only 3 days of total darkness before harvest but also when you switch your lights from veg to flower.


Well-Known Member
ive done this darkness for three days and also my other just regular light and both where whit widdow want me to take pics of the buds for you for your side by side and tell me there is no difference but if you want your side by side with the strain they say works best let me know and ill put up some pics for you
i have been asking for a "side-by-side". when i see one i will re-evaluate my thoughts. :)


Active Member
they did it (the institute )side by side i emailed them and they responded and said (.try it it works) .. i dont have the room to do a side by side ,but even greenhouse seeds like there white widow suggest up to 2 weeks dark for just this reason. so im just trying to put up the info i came across when i was asking that question ..
A few people have told me Greenhouse seed co are a bunch of wankers and they just hype everything up. Anyway, I'll do a comparison in a two - three weeks as I am harvesting then. I'll take a branch off one plant and then put the plant in dark for 72 hours before i harvest the rest.


Well-Known Member
Question... Could it just be that it isn't the darkness that helps, but getting away from the heat of the lamp? If so then grow rooms in the optimum temperature range anyways wouldn't benefit, but rooms in the temp range of maybe the 80s F would see improvement. That could explain inconsistencies in results from different growers.


Well-Known Member
darkness deff helps as juring light period thc degrades a little from the lights everyday but whilst in darkness between on off times the thc builds back up


Well-Known Member
a few people have told me greenhouse seed co are a bunch of wankers and they just hype everything up. Anyway, i'll do a comparison in a two - three weeks as i am harvesting then. I'll take a branch off one plant and then put the plant in dark for 72 hours before i harvest the rest.
needs to be live whole plant .