no light for three days before chop?


Well-Known Member
I would like to know the answer to this one as well. I'm about 5 weeks into flowering and i'd like to make sure that i got all of the info down. First grow is actually amazing, but i don't need to screw that shit up with a 48 hr dark period if it's not gonna do anything beneficial...


Active Member
im in the same boat man, and ive done research and u should pick like around weeek 7 when its about 70% cloudy, NOT AMBER. and the whole idea behind the 72hrs of darkness is to imitate the dead of winter and she just pushes all shes got left into tho thc crystals..... now this is what ive researched so im trying it, ive already got darkness going for about 18hrs so no turning back.


Active Member
i know ppl that swear by it. i plan on trying it at the end of my grow. the season is over so theres not many ways to fuck it up.


Active Member
well actually, i started this thread last night stoned as fuck... and i actually did that, i only harvested one plant yesterday.. the rest after the darkness

p.s... i see ur icon is BHO hahaha, can the trimmings be fresh or gotta be dried?


Well-Known Member
i call hogwash.
And what did he have to say........

Some Breeders say to put your girl in 72 hrs. of darkness, I have seen some say 5 days. Usually it is coming from a breeder who has some sort of white widow strain. Never came accross concrete proof that it works but I have tried 72hrs.
and I can say that it didn't hurt.

Just my opinion....


Active Member
thanks for you imput man, i think im going to try white widow next time around for this reason because most ppl say it works with the white widow.... ive got some bag seed im trying it on now so we'll see


Well-Known Member
well actually, i started this thread last night stoned as fuck... and i actually did that, i only harvested one plant yesterday.. the rest after the darkness

p.s... i see ur icon is BHO hahaha, can the trimmings be fresh or gotta be dried?
you weren't supossed to chop the other one yet. :roll:

of course the other one is going to have more trichs now, it's been left to grow longer.

now you'll never really know. :(

gotta be "bone dry". ;)


Well-Known Member

you can't chop and then compare it to anything that is left growing.


in order to TEST properly you need 2 plants. one needs to stay on a normal flowering light cycle and the other needs to be put in the dark. and they need to be VERY similar to begin with.

stop following "stories" and stick with "common sense". ;)

this goes for everyone. :)


Well-Known Member

you can't chop and then compare it to anything that is left growing.


in order to TEST properly you need 2 plants. one needs to stay on a normal flowering light cycle and the other needs to be put in the dark. and they need to be VERY similar to begin with.

stop following "stories" and stick with "common sense". ;)

this goes for everyone. :)

Haha, well, after 3 days darkness there was still no difference to the branches cut before the dark period. Besides, it wasn't intended to be a scientific experiment...More of a "Lets just make sure these people are full of shit" test...Which, might I add, proved exactly what I was originally looking to observe. Why are you so condescending? There are friendly ways to tell people they are