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Marijuana Mercenary

Well-Known Member
I am going to attempt to 'Cobb' 2 zips into 1 potent one.

Any input would be great. To throw out an improvised plan:

Step 1: Corn Stalks.
Step 2: Vaccum Sealer.
Step 3: Seal Stalks.
Step 4: Figure Out What the Hell I'm doing.
Step 5: Harvest in a Few Weeks.
Step 6: Dry bud for x amount of days (tbd).
Step 7: Cobb the weed
Step 8: Wait
Step 9: Smoke and Record Effects.
Step 9.5: Ingest and Record Effects.
Step 10: Sharing is Caring
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Only recipe ive found that goes step by step

Malawi cobs step by step as shown in skunk magazine

this is the process of making malawi cobs that the REV from skunk magazine said he used to produce a really bomb connisuer smoke that fetched top dollar.

1) plastic 60 gallon trash can

2) 9 cubic feet of dirt

3) cornhusks

4) 1/2 ounce Malawi or equiv. Amount of sativa ( immediately following harvest buds should be hung dry as normal.
5) hemp fiber or twine


1) Cut or drill drainage holes in bottom of can. Fill trashcan 25% with dirt.

2) place the 1/2 ounce in the corn husk.

3) roll the herb back and forth in the corn husk ( somewhat like rolling a joint) compressing it into a cylindrical shape.
4) tightly wrap husks in the twine applying even more pressure to the herb.

5) place cobs on top of dirt in trash can and cover them with remaining 75% dirt.

Once per month pour a half a gallon of water on top of dirt. ( don't worry if weeds grow just pull em)

He goes on to say " I used this method to create Malawi cobs for a few seasons back in the day. The local connoisseurs paid some serious bucks these things. I sold a few, but my style is more to keep them and share with freinds and family. They were stunning and close enough to the real deal that it was difficult to disern them from the African variety."
I think rid might have done some with just the vacuum and possibly a few with paper instead of corn cobs, still reading his thread about it, i dont think i can link it here though
lmao, I thought the corn had to be in a vac bag for 3 weeks prior, turns out you need it fresh.

Oh well I have corn to go with dinner now.

Guess this project is on delay for a month until I get some bud drying.

Figure out what I am doing should have been step one lmao.

Can I vacuum seal the husks and keep them in the freezer til ready?
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Not sure about that, i know from my readings on rm3s forum about cobs you can use a type of parchment paper instead of corn to preserve your bud flavor instead ofbtransferring the corns sweetness to the buds though(some even prefer rhis method) id look into that. I believe its sulphered parchment? Ill reread at home and get back to you if noone else does
The shucks are are sealed and froze. They seem fine, look good. I want to be able to store some for winter harvests also.

This harvest still looks 2-3 weeks away. I can't wait to see what effects cobbing has for a rudralis bud. They say different strains have different effects.

Been awake 20 hours a day for so long that my body and mind need a rest. Good night guys. Smoking some hash and crashing.

Test gram. Well a little over a gram. Its a spongy bud, good enough to bowl smoke but too damp for a joint.

Should be enough to smoke and test the effects come harvest time. From an outdoor auto. Would do more but I need to keep something to smoke until harvest lol.

Was not sure how much husk to use so I wrapped it around a couple times with a large husk and once again with another. Tied it tight with some string and then vaccum sealed. Going to let it go a week and check it.

Its already solid and compressed just from the string and sealing. I stored in the dark.

Let me know if I fucked something up already!

Edit: not a hot day so I had to sweat under the grow lights. Hopefully good enough..
Took the bag out of the dark after only a few days and it looks like some kind of gas exchange or shrinking happened. There was a few mm of space around the cobb and it was air tight when I put it in there.

Unwrapped it to look at the bud(s) and the leaves are black and its really compressed. No sign of mold. Oils from the bud bled into the corn stalk and changed its color.

Can definately smell the sickly corn smell people talk about. I rewrapped and tied it up, vacuum sealed and back into the dark.

I will post a pic of it at one week.
The bud itself. Moisture inside and volatile components all release gases..especially when under reduced pressure or better

Good luck lol

Shoulda done before and after pics