You gotta vent if heats an issue, that's a given. And if you are hell bent on using the basement, you are limiting your own options. I'd try what dude suggested and do a "Stealth" vent out a window. If you have access to the main sewer line you could vent down it. just make damn sure your blower fan doesn't "crap" out on you. There should be a capped inlet at a 45deg angle on the sewer main. Blow your hot air down that. keep a constant flow INTO that pipe, and you're good.
No matter what you do, I'm quite certain that the management is gonna have something to say about it. They kinda frown on any modifications you make to the buildings plumbing, electrical, or structure.
Is this basement a common area for residents? I am totally against growing anywhere but on property you personally own, or have the owners permission to grow pot. It's one thing to put your own property at risk, and quite another to put someone elses property at risk without their knowledge.
This is only a "what if" scenario, and not a personal threat to you, but I would not just evict you, I'd fuck you up if I found you growing on MY property especially without my knowledge or consent. A few months in traction and physical therapy might give you something to consider next time you wanna use or risk someone elses property.