No Garden


Well-Known Member
well i wont be doinf any gardening next year except a few things in pots at my place, my garden spot is no longer available do to my mother in law moving. i cant grow at my house as i have deer that will eat every thing unless i build a huge fence. im a bit bent but ill make it. i should be so busy in spring with work on farms that i wont have time for my own garden.
the only shitty part is now i got to move about 2 tons of block and dirt.


Well-Known Member
There are deer repelling plants you can try growing around the border and on the edge of the woods. I've got a dog that probably saved some of my plants last year. Still lost a number to something though

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about not having a garden for next year. I was looking online and some guy in my area is selling 500 Blueberry plants for next year. Massive craze. I am still trying to find a nice peace of land. I don't care if its the same size as the one I am on now. I'd drop 100k on a peace of land this size right by a river so that I don't have to pay alot of money per month for rent and I would live on it even in a cardboard box or in a car ffs. As long as I got some solar power for power I'd be happy.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about not having a garden for next year. I was looking online and some guy in my area is selling 500 Blueberry plants for next year. Massive craze. I am still trying to find a nice peace of land. I don't care if its the same size as the one I am on now. I'd drop 100k on a peace of land this size right by a river so that I don't have to pay alot of money per month for rent and I would live on it even in a cardboard box or in a car ffs. As long as I got some solar power for power I'd be happy.
we njust got over 3000 blue berry plants on the farm to sell in spring, i got 2 for free from my boss.


Well-Known Member
Wish I could get 10 or so. Need the kind that we can grow in the south. Wish I could afford to get big ones as I need a privacy hedge at my new place asap and want it to be blueberry bushes


Well-Known Member
There are deer repelling plants you can try growing around the border and on the edge of the woods. I've got a dog that probably saved some of my plants last year. Still lost a number to something though
Any hot peppers you plan on growing would be a good start for border plants. Marigolds help keep rabbits away as well as beetles. There are many cheap effective ways to keep pests and critters out of a garden consider some before not planting. A bare garden is a sad thing.


Active Member
Okra is resistant to nearly everything. The hair-like spines keep everything off of it, almost. I wonder if deer would eat okra plants? Can their mouths take the spiny hairs? Okra is awesome.