no direction with no promise or goal to attain- no ambition


New Member
welcome to my pity party thread

a lot of ppl might read this and say "suck it thankful for what you do have"...and I should be. I have all the necessities covered for me- a roof over my head, healthy wholesome food, water, etc.

but what i don't have in my life is pride. I have no financial stability- I'm 23 and living at home with mom and dad. I left school 2 years ago after becoming very ill and having heart failure...I've made a full recovery since then...and now I find myself in a pile of debt working a dead-end job wherever I happen to find one, essentially just living paycheck to paycheck

College feels like it was a mistake now...granted I didn't graduate (id have another 3 semesters to finish)... all it bought me was 2 1/2 years of comfort (pretty much living in an artificially simple world on campus) and a lot of debt...and yet, to this DAY, everyone seems to treat college as if it's the single most admirable accomplishment anyone can make- to choose to run up tens of thousands of dollars in debt to take a bunch of shouldn't a person's accomplishments be acknowledged when they've found a satisfying career that provides a return on their college investment?? that seems all but impossible now

my younger brother now attends the same college i went to and is doing very well academically...he's home for thanksgiving and asked me "so what are your plans now" I felt so offended by him even asking..

"MY PLANS? work and make money...maybe ill be able to save SOME of that money...and then have more room to actually MAKE plans..."

i asked him what his "plans" are

"finish college, get a good job, invest in a bunch of real estate and make money..."

as if it's all that simple...but everything does seem that simple when all is panned-out for you when you're living in the virtual reality that is college...go to a few classes, study a few hours, get good grades and your housing, food, etc is magically all taken care of for the moment...everything feels so worry-free

i sorta wanted to smack my brother, as if to tell him to "wake up, you're getting nowhere just as fast as I am" but of course I didn't because my intentions aren't to downplay his academic success...

anyway, life feels like it's just drifting along down the stream and the current is too strong to swim I'm just floating on my back, comfortably apathetic for the moment with no real opportunity around me


Active Member
Man, go travel or something, take yourself away from this "false" comfort that you have and put yourself in an "uncomfortable" or uncommon position. By uncomfortable I mean out of your comfort zone, do somethng you would normally never do. Leave the country, go to a different bar, meet new people, whatever. Just do something out of the ordinary.

As for your carreer choice, i have no idea what it is, but it doesn't sound like you enjoy it. Maybe think about a different path. And fuck the money, you can't put a price on your happiness can you?! I mean, we all only live once. I can kinda relate to what you are feeling now, as I am living in a "false" comfort zone. But I am finishing my courses and will be able to then get out of my dead end job (I'm working here basically to pay my courses) but once I'm done, I plan on traveling to gain experience, knowledge in my chosen area of expertise.
I understand where you are coming from though, but man, ifyou let yourself get down like this, things will only get worse, weigh up the pro's and con's and go with the best possible attitude toward what you think is an achievable goal.

Smoke a blunt and get your thinking cap on man. Use this heart failure stuff as a wake up call, and start to look at things with a different appreciation.

Positive vibrations bro. Try to keep your chin up........


No pity from me. I'm 27 with a 4 year degree, a wife and 3 kids, and likely twice as much debt as you. Suck it up, go back to school and finish what you started. It's just part of being a man. Maybe as you get older you'll find things you can appreciate in your life, but right now you sound like a child.

Good luck.


New Member
greenplease- good takes MONEY to travel/maneuver...much like it takes $ to make $, but that is a good state of mind to aim for

erockaholic- no pity from me either. you're the fool who knocked up your girl 3 times....that kinda financial responsibility i just couldn't cope with


Well-Known Member
No pity from me. I'm 27 with a 4 year degree, a wife and 3 kids, and likely twice as much debt as you. Suck it up, go back to school and finish what you started. It's just part of being a man. Maybe as you get older you'll find things you can appreciate in your life, but right now you sound like a child.

Good luck.
Give the dude a break.......not everyone gets the chance to have a cookie cutter life like yourself. I went to college and finished and am not even doing what I went for and I am making more money than I ever would even if I got my masters. If I could do it all over I prob wouldn't have even gone to college.

Budsmoker87 keep your head up you will figure something out. Stay positive and fuck the bullshit. Good things happen all the time