No better place to ask

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone.... i found your sight through a search on dynagrow and found a ton of post for homebrewer....hes a real credit ....this is all grown using dynagrow...... But this site is awesome I this is my first grow FOR REAL and I could not have acheived those results w/o ya'll THANX everybody:hump::hump::hump:
Your too kind my friend. You have done a great job on your grow and you should be showing off some great pictures for all to admire. Keep us posted friend! Peace :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yes I am really happy with the results but I have to be honest I ordered several singles from attitude/singleseed and only those two werent cracked only one was obviously cracked and they replaced it but once i soaked the seeds it was obvious with the others..

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
I usually only prune the water leaves off( darkest green ,largest or burnt leaves) my girls just hit the 5 week mark and I trimmed then pretty good. I have a northern lights that I an using the defoliation method on right now. I'm not going to the extreme with it. I defoliated at 3 weeks after the flip and she looked pretty much naked. I did notice an increase in pistils a few days after the rapping. I will do it again every 2 weeks till harvest. She was already Lollipopped previously but so far I am seeing nothing that's hindering the production of this plant. We shall see! Your girls look so fat and juicy! Great job!