Nnectar for the Gods nutrients?

Hey guys how's it going? Im sorry its taking me so long to jump in after while this info seeking was going down.

I currently run nectar after running GO, AN Sensi, PureBlend Pro, H&G, Cutting Edge, and Cyco. After a brief hiatus, I'm back on nectar, never to look back again.

There are a few things items I had wanted to address for the community at large interested in trying nectar...

1)This line is the cheapest line out there. Not bottle for bottle. But how much volume of nutrient solution you need to feed your plants every cycle. Because all of the organic fertilizers found in nectar are enzymatically digested and so readily available, you guys should only be feeding your plants exactly the amount of water they need. I feed everyday in coco with plants in a 10 or 15 gal pots, but they only get fed 1/2gal per day; unless flushing with HH. Then flush til approx 20%-40% runoff. Also because there are literally like ZERO salts in NFTG products, I have found that you only need to make exactly enough to feed them and nothing more. My runoff was around 2%-5% on my most wasteful days.

2) Respect the Bloom Khaos!! Almost everyone I talk to about using this line has an issue with understanding how to use this product the first time out. It is meant to be used as BOTH a foliar and a soil drench, but not at the same time. You will want to use 1TSP/QT for all foliar applications, but as soon as white pistils appear, switch to a root drench application (1TBSP/GAL). IT IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE PRODUCT FOR A REASON!! A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY! DONT FUCKING WASTE IT! I've had my gal jug now for 3 cycles (4 plants under 4x600w) Also, this product is very potent and seems to last within the plant a little longer than other nutrients, I water in 4-5 times per week and foliar 2-3 times per week; even though the girls eat 7 times a week.

3) Its not exact, but watch your ppms. I have found that approx half of the products can be cut to half strength with little to no risk of yellowing or starving your plants. I cut certain bottles at certain times, but whatever I do, I try to keep final ppm around 1150-1250. Then toss in some subculture, great white, and og tea (final ppm 600/veg 1300-1450/bloom, pH 5.8/veg 6.2-6.4/bloom) Closer to 6 will get you more available P, closer to 6.8 will get you more available Ca. The bottles I usually cut by 50% are Medusa, Gaia, Athena, Aphrodite, & Morpheus if you use it.

4) Far be it for me to correct Scott, but the issues I saw on some of those leaves look almost like a magnesium def. Mag has a nasty tendency to lock out with the presence of too much cal, too wet of medium, and wrong pH, as many of you already know. Using coco, feeding lower volumes, and using Demeter's Destiny will help immensely. DD has a magnesium sulfate chelating acid that allows the plant to eat traces of mag while getting yet another dose of Ca. One disclaimer about DD tho, don't push this. Keep it steady, 1-2tsp/gal. If your plants need extra Ca, push more HH, but an over abundance of Demeter's will add that undesirable snap-crackle to the final product I'm sure some of you are familiar with.

5) A few pointers of which bottles are more important than others. Leave out the Poseidon, Pegasus, Morpheus. They are great products, but the first two are only needed if you encounter an issue that actively needs to be addressed i.e. not standard feeding needs. Mega Morpheus is almost completely useless; unless you just gotta have guanos. But realistically there are Guanos in both Medusa and Gaia. Use the ppms normally alotted for MM for more Tritons or HH. And last but certainly not least, Hygeia Hydration. One of the biggest unsung heroes of this line. Use it exactly according to instructions. The plants and microherd absolutely love it and simply cannot get enough. The comments a few pages back about having outstanding flavor, aroma, and overall quality are not unique to that individual. I'm sure you have great genetics, but that world class smell and taste is a blessing experienced by the entire nectar community and a few extremely proficient organic gardeners. Something you can only achieve when you grow with the highest quality guanos, kelps, meals, and carbs offset with amino, fulvic, and humic acids.

The more you use Harvest Moon/Nectar the more you will fall in love too. Look up my instagram for more pics of nectar grown plants @therealslightlytoasted. Also big shout out to Scott and all the Nectar family boys up in Oregon. Thanks for an outstanding product guys, much love!
I have a question? I've been using the line and its great... I was told by guy at a grow store that his buddy uses the line and noticed that his fruit is extra hairy and it has to do with phosphorus uptake and that there is a enzyme that they don't carry at that store that is like the missing ingredient to this line. He told me his buddy heard about this directly from the NFTG rep. Does anyone have any information on this? Been using full line for over a year along with teas and wont use anything else... I am just trying to find out what this addition is and any help is appreciated. Thanks
I have a question? I've been using the line and its great... I was told by guy at a grow store that his buddy uses the line and noticed that his fruit is extra hairy and it has to do with phosphorus uptake and that there is a enzyme that they don't carry at that store that is like the missing ingredient to this line. He told me his buddy heard about this directly from the NFTG rep. Does anyone have any information on this? Been using full line for over a year along with teas and wont use anything else... I am just trying to find out what this addition is and any help is appreciated. Thanks
I use Earth Juice Nutes And Pro Mix.
I have a question? I've been using the line and its great... I was told by guy at a grow store that his buddy uses the line and noticed that his fruit is extra hairy and it has to do with phosphorus uptake and that there is a enzyme that they don't carry at that store that is like the missing ingredient to this line. He told me his buddy heard about this directly from the NFTG rep. Does anyone have any information on this? Been using full line for over a year along with teas and wont use anything else... I am just trying to find out what this addition is and any help is appreciated. Thanks
Yes You Can Contact Scott The Owner. He Hooked me up with the full starter line and only had to pay shipping. Hes an awesome dude. Will answer Any questions you have. Just email them from their website.
I have a question? I've been using the line and its great... I was told by guy at a grow store that his buddy uses the line and noticed that his fruit is extra hairy and it has to do with phosphorus uptake and that there is a enzyme that they don't carry at that store that is like the missing ingredient to this line. He told me his buddy heard about this directly from the NFTG rep. Does anyone have any information on this? Been using full line for over a year along with teas and wont use anything else... I am just trying to find out what this addition is and any help is appreciated. Thanks

Do you have/use poseidonzime... thats the main enzyme additive in their line, I work at a grow store and we carry the full line: Medusa Magic, Gaia mania, Zues Juice, herculan harvest, Athenas Aminas, Demeters Destiny, mega Morpheous, Aphrodites Extraction, Hygeia Hydration, Poseidonzyme, Tritions Trawl, Pegasus Potion, Bloom Chaos, Olympus Up and Hades down. To my knowledge Nectar for the Gods does not produce any other bottles beside the one's listed above... Hope this helps
image.jpg You could probably substitute most of these other (zyme) products for N.F.T.G. Poseidonzime, I've subbed bio-cozyme and hygrozyme into the rest of the nectar line without any major Ill effects.
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Do you have/use poseidonzime... thats the main enzyme additive in their line, I work at a grow store and we carry the full line: Medusa Magic, Gaia mania, Zues Juice, herculan harvest, Athenas Aminas, Demeters Destiny, mega Morpheous, Aphrodites Extraction, Hygeia Hydration, Poseidonzyme, Tritions Trawl, Pegasus Potion, Bloom Chaos, Olympus Up and Hades down. To my knowledge Nectar for the Gods does not produce any other bottles beside the one's listed above... Hope this helps
I use everything you have listed, its an enzyme that nectar does not make or sell, if you work at the grow store will you ask the rep for me, he will have the answer...thanks
View attachment 3319792 You could probably substitute most of these other (zyme) products for N.F.T.G. Poseidonzime, I've subbed bio-cozyme and hygrozyme into the rest of the nectar line without any major Ill effects.
No hygrozyme is a unneeded product, that is bacti based.. cannabis is a fungi based product. Finding a meduim is the way to go.. all the nutes you suggested are great. However not needed I do a no till with NFTG and everything you listed is unneeded...
No hygrozyme is a unneeded product, that is bacti based.. cannabis is a fungi based product. Finding a meduim is the way to go.. all the nutes you suggested are great. However not needed I do a no till with NFTG and everything you listed is unneeded...
I somewhat agree with you, although the rep for nectar hasn't been here in over a year so I doubt I'll be asking that question any time soon...That being said (personally) my best yields have come from using only nectar per the feeding chart no substituting any other products, but also leaving out the pegasus potion and mega morpheous...
I use everything you have listed, its an enzyme that nectar does not make or sell, if you work at the grow store will you ask the rep for me, he will have the answer...thanks
I doubt that we will see a rep from nectar come thru till about the middle of next year, so don't hope to hear an answer back from me about what the rep said... sorry, maybe you could call nectar yourself if your that interested in using another product... or check out the monster gardens clip on youtube about nectar maybe that will answer your question.
Its call SLF-100, thanks for all your help guys LOL
SLF-100 is a commercially proven enzymatic formula with over 18 years of proven success. It is a 100% organic and OMRI listed formula specifically designed to break out salts. Used as a cleanser for hydroponic systems and soilless media SLF-100 goes to work immediately to keep your system running smooth and free of toxic build up.
SLF-100 is effective in all phases of the growing cycle and is compatible with all nutrients, fertilizers and rooting compounds. SLF-100 is also compatible with H202. Thanks to a proprietary blend of naturally occurring enzymes, SLF-100 is PH neutral in concentrated form and has NO added sugars or NPK.
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View attachment 3319792 You could probably substitute most of these other (zyme) products for N.F.T.G. Poseidonzime, I've subbed bio-cozyme and hygrozyme into the rest of the nectar line without any major Ill effects.
Hey tkowitha123 i was wanting to know if u used bio-cozym as a folair or drench? i have been using it as a drench with great success but was wondering how it would do as folair since it says on the bottle u can use it like that as well.