NL Leaf issues trying to catch early before big problems (pics)


Well-Known Member
NL plant is 3 weeks old and until yesterday was looking perfect.

Using MG African Violet soil
3.5 gallon buckets that the plant started in - haven't transplanted
Haven't fed any nutes yet - just pH'ed water
T5 lights only so far
Temps between 72 and 76
RH always around 40
Fan blowing on plants and 6" can fan exhausting out to interior of house
Have soil meter and moisture meter
Just measured soil ph and it is 6.8
Watered yesterday with ~ 6.5 water
Using magnifier - examined leaves and don't see any pests

The wierd thing is I have a Kandy Kush plant right next to it in the exact same set up that looks fine.

I know the pics aren't crystal clear but I think the problem can be clearly seen. Thanks for any help with this. This is my 3rd grow and I really thought I had my bases covered. It's always something, isn't it?

