Good stuff man! Glad to see the re-veg is going good! Ill sub if ya dont mind arch?!
Brother you had a reserved seat ready for your it was even in the front row..;p. She is picking up nicely and I think that I probably wont get the same yield out of her, I will get some bud and I am still kicking around the idea of taking a few clones. Thanks KmK!
I was going to ask the same as gumball did, wasn't sure if it would need new soil or not haha.
She is looking great though Arch, very very green haha, I'll be watching this
Same soil...going to have to watch the nutes a little differently this time, as her last go around, she used alot of the nutes that were already in the soil. Thanks millyy!
Glad to see you are revegging cause I was actually about to do the same with one of my plants. Luckily I can switch from a 1 gallon to a 5 gallon.
When you chopped the plant originally for harvest, how much did you leave the plant with for revegging? from what I have read you are supposed to try and leave as many popcorn nugs as possible.
Thanks for the help in advance and its looking good so far!
Hey GD! Hope your reveg goes well. I dont have room for a 5 gallon bucket and thats ok for me. I am not a real heavy smoker..well at least usually. Lately I have found myself high as hell. Om backing down to my normal routine though. I dont usually smoke during the day. If you take a look at my completed grow using the link, you will see what she looked like after I harvested. Its pretty much what you described.
Hey Arch, this is kind of a radical idea, but have you considered taking a few clones of the new growth and going 12/12 from transplant? Like a mini sea of green? It would be one way to keep height in check, plus a fun experiment! I've read that the new growth sites on a revegging plant are super easy to root. Just a crazy idea lol...
I may still take a few clones from this grow homer. I am relaxing into this little hobby of mine and since I dont require a lot of weed, i can take more If I do take clones, it will be to send them straight into 12/12. I will take them next week when I switch the light schedule. baby girl will have enough good development to produce a nice little yield. I just dont want to mess with more then a few plants at After all I am still pretty OCD about stuff and having more then a few babies would make me nuts.
Also cause Arch I heard when revegging it takes a bit to get large fan leaves that you will need for flowering and since you dont have much height, homer might be onto something with the SOG
I would say that the size of the grow dictates fan leave size. Babygirl already has soem nice fan leaf development and I am sure she can do well with what she has. If you look at my last grow, Babygirl had little in the way of fan leaves during flowering.
THats what im doing now homer& i think i shoulda vegd more than a week. I think ill have better yeild w/2 bigger plants (like last grow) than 11 small. & leave'n small bud sites the way to go. Soon as they root,they branch out.
I am thinking the same way. Two or three bigger plants. Most likely two for me due to cabinet space.
REVEG!!!!!! im here for the ride.
Woohooo....the "Box Man" is in da house! Thanks CD. Grassy is the shit btw! But then again no less can be expected when your at the
I'm sub'd and taking a seat with blunt in hand goodluck
Cool beans farmer! Reserved seating all around for those that blessed me with your company on my last grow.
Heres a couple of pictures of babygirl today. She looks good and I think one more week fo veg will be perfect before i make her work her ass off for me again. Produce I say produce!
