NL Auto Outdoors 8 weeks - not budding


Active Member
I'm growing Nirvana's NL Autoflower outdoors in the UK (in my greenhouse) it unusual that it hasn't started budding at 8 weeks from sprout? The pistils started appearing a few weeks back but they haven't developed much since then. Could it be that they're not true autos? In which case, will they at least flower when the natural outdoor light switches to 12/12 in august?

Btw, I'm using 50/50 biobizz light and perlite in a 2 gallon bucket. I water about twice a week when the soil is almost dry. I've been feeding veg nutes once a week. The plant is about 31 inches (2.5 feet) tall and looks pretty healthy.


Active Member
U might try setting the light back to see if that will do it, some autos don't carry much of the rudderals & r a bit slow about flowering. Or maybe u just got one that's not a true auto. Pics will help out a lot


Active Member
I can't set any lights back because i'm growing in a greenhouse. It looks relatively healthy right?


(The one in the green pot is my NL photoperiod, which was topped at 7 weeks)

If it's not a genuine auto, will it still flower in august when the light changes?


Well-Known Member
she may she be a late bloomer, I wouldn't freak unless you see those dreaded balls/hermie, being an auto must been a feminized seed, I have had some "freaks"(mainly outdoors) She may just not have transition yet, One day you are going to wake up and she will have HAIRS everywhere I bet!,anyhow lol but they all end up pretty good even if she starts late, nothing at 10 weeks I would be more worried, just throwing my opinion, LOOKS very healthy though! GOOD LUCK & ONE LOVE!


Active Member
she may she be a late bloomer, I wouldn't freak unless you see those dreaded balls/hermie, being an auto must been a feminized seed, I have had some "freaks"(mainly outdoors) She may just not have transition yet, One day you are going to wake up and she will have HAIRS everywhere I bet!,anyhow lol but they all end up pretty good even if she starts late, nothing at 10 weeks I would be more worried, just throwing my opinion, LOOKS very healthy though! GOOD LUCK & ONE LOVE!
Ok cool. What do you say about starting on the bloom nutes now just to give it that extra push?


Active Member
They look very good & healthy, I would not push the panic button yet. Just give them some time. Good things come to those who wait !!!


Well-Known Member
hey bro on the first pic are those hairs i can see ??? nice plants though going to be a nice yeild..... edited . i seen you mentioned about the hairs so yeah another few weeks they be popping up everywhere :) you from uk too same as me :)