looking down the chamber with the HPS still on[HR][/HR]

with the hps off

the soil hempy pots and regular soil pots, 8x, I took out the 2 smallest today. The foliage looks light green which is most likely due to the soil I used
I will get some dolomite lime and topdress them asap, that should take care of em. there are now 3x 3l soil hempy's and 3x 3l soil plants. It doesn't seem to be much of a difference with the hempy res, so I might go with it from now on. All's the hempy res will mean is less watering!

downward view of bigbud ceed #3

downward on the 2nd ceedling, this one I had to LST a little because it was bushier. I don't know if it did it because it's in the middle of the light track, or if it's because of the pheno. We'll see how the clones do

the stalk in focus here is i think #2, but I was trying to get a pic of the last plant, big bud ceedling #1. I'm really loving all the green!
there's a little larfy-ness on the bottoms.
I plan on getting 4 foot bulbs, and getting my second dual 4 footer on the right, (the left one's bulbs died too) then I can use the two dual bulb 2' fixtures to help with the bottom growth.

the amaryllis finally bloomed, i took day by day pic's, it was fun growing this out.
the bulb was a gift, and is from white flower farm. These bulbs are 30$ each, and will always do 3 flowers. I plan on bringing it outside for the summer and continually re-using it, each winter.
anyone with info on bulbs, i'd love to learn about them. Hope ya'll enjoyed the update!!