Nitrogen toxicity in flower


Active Member
Hey all,

Just about two or three weeks out on harvesting my Gorilla Zkittlez and thank goodness, it’s been such a sensitive strain to grow and has definitely tested my skills. We’ll make it, but I wanted to get everyone’s opinion on if what I am experiencing with one of the plants is nitrogen toxicity. Here are my details.

1) Strain: Gorilla Zkittlez
2) Medium: Pro-mix, and in flower amended with a few things like EWC/Azomite/Dolomite lime
3) Indoors/Outdoors: Indoor
4) Watering schedule: I water by feel, light pot. Usually averages about every fourth day .
5) What stage of growth: Flower, Day 42
6) Soil test: 411 ppm, 6.7 ph
7) Nutrients: Nectar for The Gods

I’ve been growing for almost 2 years and buy for an expert, but these plants are definitely not over watered and I’m never seen this in flower before. I’ve also used this nutrient line on a different strain and loved it, just not sure why this is happening and I’m hoping it’s just because it is a sensitive strain and I have overfed it at some point in the grow.
Thanks for looking!


R Burns

Well-Known Member
Looks like too much potassium. The edges like that are usually K related. Both ways. Deficiency on bottom and toxicity on top.


Active Member
Heat stress maybe,edges of leaves look like it.
Well, the other plants edges are kind of curled up, and are under the 1000w BUT temps are only 75 at the highest, as it’s fall in Canada so the fresh intake is very cool. I def agree that’s what I thought, but the temps don’t suggest that anyways. This is the other girl who is doing better but she has also been sensitive as well.



Active Member
Looks like too much potassium. The edges like that are usually K related. Both ways. Deficiency on bottom and toxicity on top.
Ok I think I will dial back on everything to half strength in the remaining weeks, I was also leaning towards a potassium issue. It is a mobile nutrient so is that what you were saying it has an excess of showing issues in the older leaves as well?

R Burns

Well-Known Member
As a mobile nute, you will see toxicity signs at the top and deficiency at the bottom, first. But other than that K def and overdose look very similar, with those browning/crispy leaf edges.


Active Member
As a mobile nute, you will see toxicity signs at the top and deficiency at the bottom, first. But other than that K def and overdose look very similar, with those browning/crispy leaf edges.
Ok so lower the K? We are almost two weeks out so I’m not expecting miracles, she’s about to be on a “flush” of sorts.

R Burns

Well-Known Member
Ok so lower the K? We are almost two weeks out so I’m not expecting miracles, she’s about to be on a “flush” of sorts.
You can prob cut it altogether. Maybe tough to keep using the rest of your nutes without adding any, but def go as lite as u can.