Nitrogen Tox or something else?


Active Member
So I am on day 26 since flip. I vegged for about 42 days. I've been using AN Micro - Grow - Bloom pH Perfect technology throughout veg, and continuing into flower. During Veg I would give 1.5 gallons of water once a week as that's all they were drinking. When I switched to flower I started to water less more frequently. I now give 1 gallon on of pH balanced water early in the week and 1 gallon of water with 15mL Micro - 15 mL Grow - 15 mL Bloom late in the week. I've also introduced Bud Igniter and Big Bud around 5 mL each.

I mixed the Bud Igniter and Big Bud into the water first, then the Micro - Grow - Bloom. I noticed once I did that the pH dropped to the mid 5's. I added pH up but it would not budge (I'm assuming from the pH perfect technology.) I fed anyway. :shock:

Today I notice a lot of drying tips of leaves, if I touch them they crumble. Some have slight discoloration. I've only seen one leaf tip curl and get the "talon" look.

It's time to feed but I am curious if I should just give straight water?

Some of the leaves are cupping like tacos too. I keep the temps around 76-80 degrees. rH at 50%. The heater is on a timer for 8 hours and then it shuts off so when I am at work the temps drop for a few hours until I get home. Low 70's high 60's.

Any help, please! :peace:

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Well-Known Member
definite over-fed (especially nitrogen...see hook)

I'd flush with RO water and give em a break on feeding


I don't know the feeding schedule/nutrient schedule you're using, but a tip I got from my grand-pappy (for plants, not cannabis) is to always give the plant the minimum amount of nutrients you can. He owned and ran a market-garden for like 30 years, so I assume he knows what he's talking about.

Go with light feeding and add if you need to, but reducing over-fertilization is a pain in the rear. Light feeding also gives you room for error if you measure an extra ml either side of recommended. I'm a rank newbie myself, but going with the lightest schedule for my nutrients hasn't caused anything besides a bit of cal/mag deficiency, which is expected and easily dealt with.


Well-Known Member
I don't know the feeding schedule/nutrient schedule you're using, but a tip I got from my grand-pappy (for plants, not cannabis) is to always give the plant the minimum amount of nutrients you can. He owned and ran a market-garden for like 30 years, so I assume he knows what he's talking about.

Go with light feeding and add if you need to, but reducing over-fertilization is a pain in the rear. Light feeding also gives you room for error if you measure an extra ml either side of recommended. I'm a rank newbie myself, but going with the lightest schedule for my nutrients hasn't caused anything besides a bit of cal/mag deficiency, which is expected and easily dealt with.
Lite feeding is always good, Because
you can't untoast toast


Well-Known Member
You should be ramping the ppms and dropping N down after week 2. pH perfect is not perfect.

AN don't tell you that because they want you to use product as fast as possible so you can buy more cool art bottles.

Stop just feeding them automatically if they are toast already. You are just loading more N into the problem.

N-tox and over watering..

Water only @ 6.2 for next couple of feeds #IMO
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Well-Known Member
Bud Igniter Weeks 1 & 2 of flower only. Big Bud Weeks 3 & 4. I know there's people that run BB all the way through. Good for them. Unnecessary and it adds to EC problems.