Nitrogen Overdose? Will leaves recover?


Well-Known Member
Greetings Plant Lovers,

So the little lady is approaching the end of week 3 of flower. Last week the AC went out so temps in the tent reached 100+ degrees for four or five days. The AC situation is now under control and so are the temps, but during those hot days the plant was sucking up water and nutes like crazy. I think that contributed to the issues I'm having now. I'd been using the GH Flora Series trio of nutes at half the recommended strength. I'd water every other day and add nutes every other watering (nutes, skip a day, plain water, skip a day, nutes, and so on). Since noticing the issues I've dialed it back to only using 1 ml per gal of the Micro, 2.5 mil of Bloom, and cut out the Grow nutes all together. I'll see how the plant reacts over the next two days.

Now, to my questions. Does this look like nitrogen toxicity to you guys? Will the effected leaves recover? I'm growing in coco and perlite - does it need to be flushed or is keeping the current feeding schedule, just with dialed down nutes sufficient? I know there is no sure answer to these questions, but any advice would be much appreciated. Be easy on a first-timer! :peace:

Pics of what I believe is nitrogen toxicity. Will these leaves recover, or should I expect the plant to look this way for the duration of the grow?
Nitro 3.jpg Nitro 1.jpg Nitro 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Greetings Plant Lovers,

So the little lady is approaching the end of week 3 of flower. Last week the AC went out so temps in the tent reached 100+ degrees for four or five days. The AC situation is now under control and so are the temps, but during those hot days the plant was sucking up water and nutes like crazy. I think that contributed to the issues I'm having now. I'd been using the GH Flora Series trio of nutes at half the recommended strength. I'd water every other day and add nutes every other watering (nutes, skip a day, plain water, skip a day, nutes, and so on). Since noticing the issues I've dialed it back to only using 1 ml per gal of the Micro, 2.5 mil of Bloom, and cut out the Grow nutes all together. I'll see how the plant reacts over the next two days.

Now, to my questions. Does this look like nitrogen toxicity to you guys? Will the effected leaves recover? I'm growing in coco and perlite - does it need to be flushed or is keeping the current feeding schedule, just with dialed down nutes sufficient? I know there is no sure answer to these questions, but any advice would be much appreciated. Be easy on a first-timer! :peace:

Pics of what I believe is nitrogen toxicity. Will these leaves recover, or should I expect the plant to look this way for the duration of the grow?
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Maybe overwatering?


Well-Known Member
Thats not N tox. Thats over watering. And n def id say. And the over watering most likely flushed the nutes out. I bet in the coco and perlite you have really good drainage? Thats alot of water youre pushing through it every other day know what i mean.. n tox could claw as well but very dark green.

EDIT: now that i look super close im second guessing myself..i cant distinguish yellowing from light.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. Thanks for the replies. Seems that you guys are in agreement that it's not n-tox. That's cool. I'm not seeing much nute burn as the leaf tips aren't turning brown and crispy. The plant actually seems pretty healthy with the exception of the droopy "inverted canoe" leaves. That said, it does look a little better today. I'm likely just having first-timer paranoia. I see all these photos online of immaculate plants and I'm expecting my plant to look the same way.

Thanks for the link Greatwhite, it's got a boatload of great information. I'll probably visit that thread 100 times between now and harvest time! :mrgreen:

Below is a pic with the blooms lights off. I know it's tough to see the actual color of the leaves since the bloom lights throw off so much red light. To be on the safe side I'll keep giving the plant a lower dose of nutes for the next week or so and see how she responds. :peace:

WT Top View FD20.jpg


Well-Known Member
That last pic looks good. I see the dark leaves you were talking about, but the new stuff looks bright green, which is what your looking for. Plant actually looks very healthy, good luck.