Nitrogen or mag problem ?


Having a problem with my plant , and can not determine if its a nitrogen problem or mag . This is the second lead to dry up an have what look to me to have dead spots . I am going to check the ph of the soil tomorrow and see what I end up with there . My nutrients I am using are plant prod:flowering , with a touch of plant prod:all purpose , followed with humboldt snowstorm ultra . If it turns out to be a ph problem I think I'm gonna be in quite the predicament because I have been looking for ingredients around that will alter ph by have not been to lucky in the search . Any input would be more then helpful



New Member
Nitrogen deficiency begins with an even yellowing beginning with the lowest leaves and Magnesium generally begins in the middle of a plant .. Looks more like a Phosphorous issue in the beginning stage and its most likely related to Ph or inconsistent soil moisture ..The soil drying out can cause such damage when the roots are in there infant stage and the opposite can bring out the worst as well , Cannabis hates wet feet... Many things can be detrimental to young plants when in the early stages , Hard water , Excessive Nutrients temps ect ..

It looks good for the most part , have fun and enjoy the grow , !

I would be transplanting and watching closely to see how the plant responds


Thanks for the info . Thought for sure it was either the mag or nitrogen or maybe even heat . When I get off work ill check the ph with my new meter I got and ill see if I can't find a bigger pot . Hopefully I can rectify the problem


So I checked the ph value and its at 5.5 , was reading way to adjust it and baking soda is thrown all over the place but at the same time your told not to use it . Is there anything else that I can pick up at a grocery store , that should help raise the ph to where I need it to go . The damage is starting to spread to new leaves :(