Nitrogen High


What would be the best way to give my plants that extra needed Nitrogen boost? I am first time grower and it will be outdoors starting off with three female Low Ryder plants. The idea is to start with three plants to see how well things go before I move on to bigger better things. All yield will be kept for personal use, also one other question I have. Is there anything I can do to my plants to send them into a flowering cycle or do I have to wait for good ole mother nature to work its wonderful magic? Thank You and happy growing.


Active Member
im relitivly new to this game as well mate but i reckon i can answer your questions. Outdoors adding nitrogen can be done same way as indoors, liquid fertilizer, or if ya want to go tottally organic try some good old horse shit. anytime ive grown outdoors ive preprepared my plots in advanced, turning the soil removing the roots, choppin in some horse poop and then covering with leaves so the soil can retain moisture untill planting time. worked well for me and im quite far north with sucky temps! as for the flowering, your lil low ryder ladies ill flower automatically in about 18days after planting, thats the beauty of them. when i grew outside i had problems wi da local wildlife, so head for ya local garden center and pick up one them £20 plastic greenhouse!

hope thats been helpful in some way best a lucky my friend.



Well-Known Member
sea bird guano is great for high N, Low ryders grow so fast they wont need much anyway. Rain water is normally plenty for auto I worry more about getting some bloom nutes in them before its too late and I cant flush. I feed my auto's the same as my clones and seedlings until they flower then I hit them with some bat guano once and then nice weak tea like florablend from GH for few waterings then just clean water on the way out, this is indoor though cant wait for weather to permit some outdoor action


Well-Known Member
you should be able to get neat nitrogen from a garden centre, its called sulphate of ammonia.......


Well-Known Member
You can also water down your own Urine 1 part urine to 10 parts water. But this can also contain salts which could theoritically build up in your soil.
But if your soil is of good quality it should compensate and be ok.

Just a cheap way to increase N.



Well-Known Member
As has been stated, rainwater is your best friend, as it is a free, natural source of nitrogen. It won't carry anything like what a storebought fertilizer might (nothing synthetic anyway), but it will keep your plants pretty happy, subject to where you're situated.

If you want a mild, organic nitrogen boost, I believe bonemeal is high in nitrogen. You can switch to bloodmeal for a burst of flowering nutrients in the flowering stage, although while quite potent for an organic this fertilizer is short lived.

Or just go for the synthetic stuff, which is always much more potent, but comes with a higher risk of nute burn.

Edit; As far as I know, unless you're growing an autoflowering strain, your plant won't flower out of doors until daylight shortens closer to the end of the growing season. This change in daylight cycle kicks the plants reproductive hormones into action.


Active Member
Canna sell pure Nitrogen liquid which u dilute at 1.5ml/litre, It's about £10 a bottle.

Or if you have ''Baby Bio'' at your garden centre it has a high N rating and its about £1


Well-Known Member
diluted urine has N too. I've seen a lot of people use that. also free. but if you can get clean rain water go for it man